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  • Guns
    kwa MP9
    Tm M&P9 (a few)
    WE M9
    Ares G36c
    TM VSR10
    G&G 308 mbr
  • Loadouts
    mostly contractor and shit kicker, pmc or armed militia style
  • Sites
    Midlands mostly.

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  1. I've never regretted going gbbr, I love it, but it can be a very different play style to the majority that aren't on low caps and I've seen many a player unable to adjust and give up. The other than issue I've seen often and is quite surprising for players moving to gas is the weight of the mags. They can add up quickly and ill fitting gear that doesn't spread the load can cause back ache really quickly. Regards being our gunned, something to try before taking the expensive jump is to try playing with low caps, or just popping 40 bbs into the mags you have and see of you can adjust to the play style. If you do then id highly recommend a gbbr as something to enjoy.
  2. I've used them repeatedly, never an issue.
  3. Use the charger to bring lipos to storage voltage, best practice safety wise and makes charging before. A game quicker. The battery that has bloated, that's done, replace it. But don't replace it with something that has nuprol written on it.
  4. Pts mtek flux, its a big bucket with lots of pads to fine tune the fit.
  5. Does the eve 9 not have the pts stock on it? I use a block battery opposed to separate cell batteries. With the pts stock they fit vertically into the back of the stock.
  6. Another vote for the nuprol case. I have an shadow foam setup as a double deck tray so the lid is still waffle foam.
  7. The the biggest difference between the to is the placard system that the lpc uses, not so much of an issue if you only use one platform but if you dont then the placard system makes changing a loadout much easier. I have used a dcs but now use a rpc carrier, with the placard setup. I keep the appropriate setup in the case with each rif. So if i fancy a change or somethings fails it just rip it off and slap on the new one. In regards to using the sides to replicate the belt selt up, unless you have pouches which have harder mounting material or clips, and need the padded sides, ladder sides still take molle pouches but with a bit better air flow and less weight as you give up the side armour pockets.
  8. I'm glad to hear it was enjoyed. Ii found Bipods are a mixed bag and gave up using one, instead I use a rip off pouch and put soft stuff in it. Then rip it off to use as a sandbag style rest when need.
  9. Welcome, I'd suggest finding a site in the area of the country that you can get to and look for a hire option. Get a taste for the game rather than youtube and then see where you are after a few days with hired rifs.
  10. I'm one for the flight radar app, I'd rather see the thing than the moving symbol but the otherhalf is addicted to it, especially as we live fairly near two military testing/training areas and a commercial flight plath.
  11. Nice, i like the stop on empty function so glad to see that popping up more.
  12. I use ops and viper insert for smg mags. I much prefer the ops panel over the insert. Not elastic pouch but snug so you can run covers, bungees or open.
  13. I haven't played that specific site however, the chrono thing is oddly written but what I means is that is your responsibility to come to chrono stations before play to make sure you rif is within limits as if you're checked later in game and found to be over then that's the end of your day. Not that the chrono station is unmanned.
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