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  1. CoolAF
    M_P got a reaction from sonofsammo for a status update, So TM have made a recoil mk46. That's going to be tough not to buy.   
    So TM have made a recoil mk46. 
    That's going to be tough not to buy.
  2. Haha
    M_P got a reaction from proffrink for a status update, Human nature is knowing that it's stupid to take apart a gearbox in the garden becaus   
    Human nature is knowing that it's stupid to take apart a gearbox in the garden because you'll lose something, doing so anyway and then losing something.
  3. Haha
    M_P got a reaction from Nick G for a status update, Human nature is knowing that it's stupid to take apart a gearbox in the garden becaus   
    Human nature is knowing that it's stupid to take apart a gearbox in the garden because you'll lose something, doing so anyway and then losing something.
  4. Like
    M_P got a reaction from Marc.RG1 for a status update, When that new gun arrives!   
    When that new gun arrives! 
  5. Like
    M_P got a reaction from AshOnSnow for a status update, When that new gun arrives!   
    When that new gun arrives! 
  6. Like
    M_P reacted to Jedi_Master for a status update, Beauty is in eye of beholder but a tan SCAR is still ugly!   
    Beauty is in eye of beholder but a tan SCAR is still ugly!
  7. Like
    M_P reacted to L3wisD for a status update, The Mall was a BLAST today! Loved it. Honestly the best airsofting I've done this yea   
    The Mall was a BLAST today! Loved it. Honestly the best airsofting I've done this year.
    Highlights included @CarloBear and his 6-7 kill grenade and the mass rave on the concourse in the last game!
  8. Like
    M_P reacted to Qlimax for a status update, Wish G&P made it easier to get their standard flash hider off...... Finally off J   
    Wish G&P made it easier to get their standard flash hider off...... Finally off JEEZ
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