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Everything posted by Cipher-032

  1. Firesupport have 35rd magazines IN STOCK, as of this post 67.
  2. The Mk18 front rail is now few and far between, I got lucky with mine. Last place I got one was Daves Custom airsoft. And they are now out of stock. (Just checked) Nuprol made one, but are out of production and stock almost every where. You're gunna be hard pressed to find a front rail new. The Madbull rail fits the MWS even if it states its only for AEG. As that is what mine is.
  3. It’s held in place by the buffer tube castle nut. Doesn’t go any where
  4. Looks like that one just bolts onto the buffer tube. I run a knock off Magpul ASAP late on mine. It works.
  5. @Festerfly exactly this.
  6. @Cyberlawyer I personally run a 6.05 in my SRS Silver back. It gives more accuracy over range. 6.03’s are usually good in a normal circumstance. Plus I’ve always herd good things with Orga. But worlds your oyster. Also bare in mind you want a barrel with good bore quality. This weekend I’ve updated the paint on my Mk18 Mod 1. I wasn’t happy with the first results. Too pale. This has much more character and depth. And all the weathering is deliberate 😁 Just waiting for some more stock magazines, Angry Gun high speed bolt. (Thinking the bronze BCM one) and maybe start thinking about upgrading the trigger box to full steel.
  7. Heya guys, been a while since ive poked my head in here. thought I'd share some updates. My MWS has gone through a slight change to become a Mk18 Mod 1. The paint isnt final, waiting on some darker shades to arrive. Inspired by Garand Thumbs Mk18. Done some upgrades and bits and bobs, I thought I'd better swap out my BCG spring set, but surprised the nozzle return spring had plenty of life in it still. But I have a question, has any one tried any of the available piston cup seals, and found them to be any better over the stock seal? And the BAD lever is the First factory one, heat shrink on the bolt catch, two turns out on the buffer tube and it works lovely. Just dont use after market mags.
  8. TM MP7 owners, do me a small favour please, carefully remove your nozzle return spring, and measure the outer diameter of the spring and length please.


    lost mine, order a new one from Europe €21!!!


    wondering if I can get some eBay specials and cut them down

  9. Ran a G&P one for a little while. Gun worked perfectly fine, but the notches on the stock more out incredibly quick. Meaning that you couldnt lock the stock in a position you wanted. Mine could of been a lemon...
  10. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    WE Apache Sliding stock. Sold as seen, RRP £64.95 from Milspec Asking £40 plus postage


    allhallows, Rochester - GB

  11. Those springs are a nightmare. Still, the TM MP7 ones like to destroy your followers if you accidentally let them fly changing the mag gaskets or feed lips. Im trying to hold off buying another 2 TM mags. My P mags are alright, and feed okay. Trying to convince myself 6 mags are enough. SO, question I wanna ask, what set up do you guys use when you run the MWS? I run normally a Molle belt with a harness, my last belt broke under the weight, but it was a cheap bulldog one. Im planning on running plate carrier now. So the weight is on my chest, rather than my hips. Doesnt help when you have a bad back as well.
  12. Stuff carrying that in the field haha! Id stick to struggling any day. Besides once you get the angle and the feed lips bed in they speed load much easier
  13. Looking at where you play, im guessing you are Kent based... so am I funnily enough. If you google Allhallows, im in that area if its not to far. You welcome to drop in and we can swap some parts about to try and see whats what.
  14. It be useful if you could swap an upper with some one else to see if you can eliminate the issue on a game day. Just to see whats happening. Its almost as if the nozzle isnt fully sealing against the hop unit. Maybe stick a few 10p pieces down the buffer tube, just to see if that helps improve things.If its not bucking or hop unit, has to be else where. Does it do it on all your magazines as well?
  15. Has any one had issues with trigger reset? Mainly having issues with getting this Guns Modify flat trigger working. New Dynamic precision trigger trigger springs. Used an air file at work to carefully take some of the surface off either side and the four corners. The trigger works. But if you reset the sears with the trigger held in, It sticks. And takes a verrrryyy gently push to reset it. Im guessing I need to file off some more, which ill be doing tomorrow. Oddly, if I put the stock trigger in, it does the same.
  16. Nice little quality of life improvement on my Cyma shorty 😄


    1. Rogerborg


      Grip tape?


      I bought some for that purpose, but it felt like sandpaper so I've held off.


      Interested to hear how you get on in practice.

    2. Cipher-032


      Yeah it basically is emery cloth with a sticky backing. But I have an old injury on my left wrist. Been playing up as of recent and this really helps. Doesn’t destroy my hands either. But I’ll be wearing gloves any way

  17. I swear I have bad luck when it comes to parts. G&P stock is a month old, and part of the cut outs for one position has striped. 

    You pay good money for parts, you expect them to last!

  18. Couldnt agree more with @ImTriggerHappy If all guns are limited to 350FPS, why limit the weight? You cant 100% police that rule either I would of thought.
  19. A lot of the team Im in are not put off due to Bio bb's. And full auto in a CQB is asking for issues. Obviously feel free to try it out. But I'd say Full auto out doors, but not inside. Is the Bio BB only rule due to the site has requested it or a rule you have put in place?
  20. Might be worth stripping it all off, and then using a fine wet and dry sand paper, or scotch brite to give the surface a "Key" so the paint can properly adhere.
  21. Shatters into your eyes? Why else. Ive had a mouth full of BB fragments through my mesh lower face pro... so bugger that in some ones eye
  22. The mesh eyepro is a no brainer. Specially in CQB. Looking forward to next month for sure, MP7 and my new Cyma shot gun is going to get a work out for sure.
  23. Dropped a small bomb, ouch my credit card: Genuine Magpul B.A.D Lever PTS BCM M lok Rail covers Enhanced trigger spring set for the MWS Guns modify adjustable trigger for the MWS FMA PEQ box 150rd Speed loader. Can never have enough of them KJW fill valve. Vain hope it fits my ASG MK23 mag. Cant see why it couldnt. *Still waiting on his Taiwan Gun order*
  24. Ooo! Looks promising! Will probably have to give this one a go! Been after an Urban area to play.
  25. So after a iffy afternoon, the MP7 held up, and didn’t break. Running stock recoil spring and white gas she fired 330FPS on sight chrono with Nuprol 1.0. shot true and far, and got many kills. Mags become lack luster towards the end. So going to swap gas routes back round and see if that helps. But it’s likely the gas. i love how small the gun is and how easy it is to run with it. Brilliant!
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