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Status Updates posted by RonLancs

  1. Re-discovered this little gem: 



  2. Re-discovered this little gem: 



  3. I’d be interested to know if there’s anyone out there that’s not sworn under their breath whilst trying to put a gearbox back together. Especially a v3. 

    I just spent an hour and a half trying to get a trigger back in whilst wrestling a spring. 

    Safe to say I’ll invest in one of those clips that holds things in place. 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Wrong polarity?

    3. RonLancs


      Hey, nah took it out the cage and just wired it up to the batter - the mosfet and it works. I can only imagine there’s something wrong with the signal wires from mosfet. The sector gear keeps getting stuck and it’s shimmed loosely so I’m conceding defeat and sending it to Charles @ AirsoftEngenuity. 

    4. ak2m4


      magic holdey-in clips were sent by god of airsoft as a present.  a friend of mine prints his own, I should get him to run a few off

  4. Airsoft Nation - Airsoft Radio bring it back !!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Interesting to see a working setup, any idea what kind of fps it's capable of?


      I tried a few years back as my dissertation project and the only conclusion i could draw was "i dont know enough about electrics"


      Seems like that's running something similar to the mythical BO dynamics one as a springless design.


      Would be great if it could be made to work, all i know is i dont know how to acheive it :P

    3. RonLancs


      Indeed, no idea on FPS but it’s definitely something to look forward to in the future. Veet veet vs pud pud. 

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      The issue is wether or not this could acheive any serious fps.


      Energy wise its feasable (a 1j aeg has about 2.5j of spring energy), but wether or not an electromagnet can translate that well enough in a packagable format is a different story.

  6. Hi all, 


    Unfortunately I’m bowing out of our glorious sphobby due to the global health event swallowing my job. 

    It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve sold my gear off to stay one step ahead of the financial dip that I will be taking.

    If others are experiencing this I am truly sorry that you’ve had to experience it and I completely understand the s***e position we find ourselves in. 

    For all you others that are fortunate enough to not be effected by the aforementioned event then hats off to you and I hope you all get out on your field as soon as it’s safe to do so. 

    The UK Airsoft scene is an amazing community and I’ve seen this by people offering to pay a little more on postage of items that I’ve sent out to them - whether it be a 5er or a 10er it really doesn’t matter.

    It truly is that thought and action that matters and I’d just like to say thank you to everyone who has ever answered one of my burning s*** questions for me in my hour of need back when I didn’t know my bevel from my nub. 

    I’ll not be active on the forum as much as it’s too painful to see all the good stuff going on the classfields. 

    Take care to you all and hopefully I’ll be shooting at you soon. 

    Kind regards 


    Ron Lancs

    1. EDcase


      Sorry to hear mate.  Its hit all of us in various degrees.

      I really hope things spring back for you.


      At least things should get better once this is over.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      damn dude, sorry to hear it's that bad.


      hopefully things will pick up and you can come back to us sooner rather than later

    3. RonLancs


      *update* Back in employment, back in. 

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