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  • Guns
    TM MTR16, TM Hi-Capa GM, TM Steyr Aug
  • Loadouts
    Multicam slim rig. Fast and light - ish
  • Sites
    Events for 2022 - Inferno and BBR
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  1. Thank you for your answer. Does that mean that these buffer tubes will not fit the original receiver at all? So if they actually fit (see above post (G&P receiver vs TM receiver)), https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gp-gbb-roller-bolt-with-marui-mws-buffer-tube-short-version this would be the correct one for TM MTR16 and my original stock would fit (?) But, the original buffer spring will fit without modification in the new buffer tube? Thank you for your answers.
  2. Hello everyone, I am trying to find some answers in regards to 'G&P MWS Forged Aluminum Complete 4-6 Bolt Carrier Group Set ( Black ) ( For G&P Buffer Tube )'. I have the TM MTR16 - and as far as I can see this bolt carrier will fit just fine, as long as I also change the buffer tube, but there are two options A long version and a (shorter?) version with some extra - will they both fit my TM MTR16? And (sorry for asking) what is the difference between these two buffer options, what does all the extra bits and parts add in the version with some extra ? Also, since you are all (hopefully) reading my questions, has anyone tried the G&P Marui GBB M4 MWS CNC Custom Hop Up Chamber. ? Thanks for all the help, Bernt - Norway
  3. So, been having fun with my vanilla MTR for some time, and decided to upgrade it this week. Orga 410 6.05, Modify Tan buck and the magical nub. Will be battle tested next week.
  4. First try at green gas mod. Left ca 1 cm over the inner valve. #thatspringtho
  5. Gas, Nuprol, I saw the chart, and read that 9bars is about the right pressure. So, in Norway, where summer falls on a Friday this year, and temperatures are around 20 C, should I use Nuprol Red 3.0? Or will green be enough? As long as I do not use too "powerful" gas at too warm temperatures there is no danger of breaking things? 🙂 #stupidquestions And, been playing around with setup.
  6. TBH I have no idea, I want accuracy (and range ofc). So, for a noob, "Rhop", what does that mean? It's adding spin to the BB's right, with like a SixG Nub? I have ordered one, and it's on it's way. But, it's mostly usfull with heavier BB's? From 0.3 and up? Or will it improve spin on lighter BB's as well? The dim of the barrel, 6.05 vs 6.03 vs 6.01, the smaler the dim, the more preassure, right? What is the negative with 6.01 vs 6.05? For now, I'll get used to the MTR16 and do the green gas mod, and fit the Ra-Tec NPAS. Then a new barrel. The pistol I'm gonna leave vanilla.
  7. The waiting game begins. TM MTR16 and TM Hi-Capa 5.1 Gold Match on it's was. Wifey will bloody kill me if she finds out. 💸💸💸 #magz #spareparts #ratechnpas #sixgsupernub #buckings Now, to find an inner barrel. #hoardersgonnahoard
  8. Hello, So i re-read all the pages, and I must have been drunk and skipped every other pages last time, and have found most of what I was asking about. Sorry for being that guy. I have tried to answer my own questions to the best of my (your) knowledge after haveing re-read everything. My own (possibly right/wrong) answers in blue. My name is Bernt and I am from Norway. So, I am a newcomer to airsoft and have decided to take the step so to speak and buy a TM MWS rifle. Now, I do like the look of the MTR16, so I am leaning towards that model. I have no experience in GBBR’s, but have dabbled with cheap AEG’s. But I have a few (stupid?) questions I hope this community can help me answer: The TM MWS models can all use the same internal parts? The M4 MWS and MTR16 at least. Stock/vanilla model will fire a about 300fps with 134a gas, and 360ish with green gas (mod)? Ish How easy is it to “tune” the fps into a wanted fps? (AEG will use different springs to obtain different fps. Other than different gas types (chart?), what can be done to tune a TM MWS in the same manner? Is there a way to measure Joule?) Trial and error, chrono, npas valve? Specifically; this year I’ll be joining two “big” events this year, both with different rules in regards output velocity. Inferno Games: 118 m/s or 390FPS with 0.25g BB (semi/auto) or 112 m/s or 370FPS with 0.25g BB BBR: 98 m/s or 322FPS with 0.25g BB (semi/auto) Otherwise I will be playing at my local club, that follows national airsoft rules (for Norway) Club games: 137m/s or 450FPS with .020g BB (semi/auto) How do I tune my MTR16/MWS to fall into these to different regulations? What are the upgrade parts I should buy? (What spare parts should I buy?) I see references to a magical brass nob for the hop unit? For the MTR16, I was thinking about changing the inner barrel to a longer one. Is there a chart showing the new fps (because (and, I might be stupid) a longer inner barrel will increase the fps, range and accuracy?) I saw someone say it was difficult to change the inner barrel on the MTR16? (Further down the road, I would like to build a DMR MTR16, but that will probably have to be a new post some other day.) As for sidearm, I have been looking at TM’s Hi-Capa versions and Glock’s. Are there any tips on spareparts/spareparts etc? I will be ordering from abroad and would like to order “everything needed” in one order. So I have understood the following can be bought with good intentions; a thight bore inner barrel (will increas fps, and range), the brass nub (if I want to throw heavier bb's), NPAS / G&P Enhanced Valve to "tune" the fps, and tan bucking. Add some nozzel return spring just in case. Thank you for your time and help, Regards Bernt.
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