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  1. Loads of airsofters..... "C'mon marui drop a gbb hi-power...." Marui "how about 2 porno pink re-releases from our tentacle porn/anime series?"
  2. That said...... if it is half way decent watch the market for £300+ 'drop in'hpa systems collapse. Edit 2..... like the dude above me said about 9 hours ago
  3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335733982982?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KMoA49B7Tk-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XZw7p40NRne&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=WHATS_APP Genuine ex police surefires for £75. If they are legit thats probably the bestest deal ever.
  4. @Sike this seems relevant to your interests
  5. 10% off on tactical kit till I believe 10pm this evening. Code BOXING10.
  6. And its not like Dave's is exactly the most competitively priced UK shop.....
  7. Dammit. That Robben guy had the exact item Ive been putting out wanted ads for for almost a year........ I was fishing to see if he was too good to be true.
  8. As above I've seen more consistantly questionable play from skinny yoots in jeggings and hpa'd capa's in gopping colourways. Also Ive seen more speedsofters turn up to organised and specified milsim days and expect to be allowed to use their hpa murderbox rigs than milsim players turn up to speedsoft sites and insist everyone uses non-winding mags for example. Unfortunately the bell-ends in both styles ruin it for everyone else who is capable of playing by the rules.
  9. I'm putting £10 on "Licking Mustard seleected as site ambassador and representative."
  10. Don't sit on that fence mate..... you'll get splinters. That said I will admit to a certain curiosity as to whats inspired such a depth of feeling.
  11. I've seen an advert for joining the army..... featuring a royal marine commando complete with flashes as the model.
  12. To be honest I dislike ground zero's inability to organise and police/control even a walk on day nevermind the NAE. Went there for a walk on day a few years back and found the staff had forgotten the chrono's "but that's okay because no-one here is running a hot gun, right". The NAE is an expensive way to get pissed and have some shit airsoft
  13. Banned from zero in and the NAF for life? Don't you threaten me with a good time.....
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