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    Shock & Awesome, Abergele, North Wales

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  1. The way parcel tracking works is that when they create an order with PF for example to pick up a parcel. They're given a tracking number. When the parcel is collected and scanned that parcel tracking ID then becomes "live" and usually shows up after 12am that on tracking sites. If it's never collected then they'll provide you with tracking but the tracking company will have no record.
  2. He chooses head shots when body shots are available then uses the mantra of snowflakes don't play airsoft. Then his little kiddy followers back him up. If you can only take a headshot go for it, but if you can aim for the body and hit, don't be a cunt. And in his latest video he calls out cheaters not taking their hits. Then couldn't take a hit himself when a Marshall called it out. Had to play back blurred footage to prove himself right. Such a dick.
  3. He put it down as an accident. But then glorified it in the thumbnail and title. So all the little cronies went on to say what a great shot it was and how cool and so on. He is an extremely toxic player.
  4. Seemingly I'm dumb. With the Aa hop up Unit. I have crazy jet barrel and maple leaf bucking. For the life of me I cannot get the barrel and bucking into the unit. It's too tight a fit. The rubber starts pushing down the barrel and doesnt remain at the top. I've tried a million times. Knack to it? Something I'm missing?!
  5. Actually love your blog. Never not found something interesting to read and refer back to it every now and then 😊
  6. Today guys Kicking Mustang playing at extreme sniper site down in Kent. He has employed his trusty fully upgraded SRS sniper rifle and his impenetrable MK23 sidearm for those stealth shots. He's wearing his Kicking Mustang ghillie which is advertised as not needing any extras whatsoever, yet he covers himself in foliage on top. Let's get into the game.
  7. I'll refer to myself in the third person and in this video I totally DOMINATE the field and TAKE OUT ALL ENEMIES whilst talking about how good my new ghillie is 🙄😂😂😭😭
  8. These days pretty much yeah 😂 shame. I enjoy the new wannabe snipers there is some good content in those.
  9. I like informative videos on load outs or guns. When they go into detail on their setups. I also like in in play videos like being a sniper or running crazy with an AEG. I'm not a fan of YouTube's who peddle their own shit; KM for example. There's nothing in those videos but a full on advert referring to themselves in the 3rd person 🙄🙄🤣
  10. Anyone know of someone/company who makes patches?
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