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Airsoft-Ed last won the day on January 8 2015

Airsoft-Ed had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE L85A2
    TM H&K 416c Recoil Shock
    WE Glock 17 Gen4
  • Loadouts
    Contemporary British Army,
    Mash up of whatever for convenience
  • Sites
    Skirmish Airsoft, Mansfield
    Skirmish Airsoft CQB, Wentworth
    Skirmish Airsoft The Stan, Sheffield
    Tac House Spartan, Chesterfield
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Gaming, Heavy metal, guns in general. Also, anything that gets you thinking - Love QI, comedians like Tim Minchin, Bill Bailey, sitcoms like Black Books, Coupling, Spaced.
    You get the idea.

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  1. Finally got a job! It's only crappy warehouse work, and it's only for 13 weeks, but it ought to at least get me out of my overdraft, buy me that WE M4 I've been hampering after for ages, and also get me back out to some games at last! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      Well done mate :)

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Thanks all, but I don't really feel like I've accomplished much getting a job that requires no qualifications or experience lol

    4. jay83


      getting of your ass and working is an accomplishment mate does not matter what the job is. Its a sign your not just willing to except nothng and a first step on the ladder to better things.

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