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heroshark last won the day on December 19 2024

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  • Guns
    shit loads
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    I don't do loadouts. I wear what I like
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    I live in Lincolnshire and played since 2003ish all over the place I like to travel.

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  1. Aye It's better than nothing. Seems most the other electric tw systems are more finicky. Das sounded good to start but they seem to have a few too many flaws for my liking especially for the price. Mws is a pretty solid option. But on the gbb front I've always found them easier to work on than AEG.
  2. If I've never told you to f-off, or your gun is shit. Or thrown a rattle can at you, you are not a true herosharker.
  3. Mws all the way if you want to be a real man child. The lack of recoil or feedback returning the bolt lost it for me. Never heard of her.
  4. Aegs are boring. Skip the middle man. Get yourself an mws and be done with it😄.
  5. They sit a little higher and ridge's down the edge to help the seal against the nozzle. Also a less angled smoother inner channel. But with the Glock route it's fairly shallow in depth compared to the other routes so I can't imagine the inner channel could effect it much.
  6. Not sure on the Glock but I've used the 9ball routers for other pistols. It will only add 10fps approx. Can't say what it would do for a vorsk Glock.
  7. Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have met. I'm somewhat of a dinosaur now. I spent some time hunting 80-90-2000s spring guns. It became quite an obsessive project. I never thought I would get rid of any of them but I've come to realise much of the thrill was in the hunt, and I let one go and it was nice to let it go to someone else to enjoy.  I'm not sure what I want to get rid of some of you will have watched as I amassed it. There are so many it's very hard to list. If there's anything anyone is interested in do give me a shout. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. heroshark


      Here's a video, there are also many videos on all the others I have too.



    3. Speedbird_666


      Do I spy a TM USP Springer @heroshark?


      That was the very first airsoft gun i bought when I was about 16-17 (well, my mum ordered it for me), back in the day when you had to send payable orders through the post. I ordered from an advert in Gunmart magazine, back when the allowed airsoft adverts. Must be 27 or so years ago now.


      Out of interest, how much would you be looking for it?

    4. heroshark


      @Speedbird_666 it is indeed. Was a non hop model originally but it's got the hop and functional slide stop fitted off a umarex/UHC clone model. Think a couple of mags too but only one engages the slide stop. £30+post .

  8. Might be able to put a collapsible tanker ar stock on it but I think the receiver is probably too wide for the supports to collapse. Even then the side rail might be in the way. With out changing the receiver you are pretty limited. Even with a 3d print piece with a rail on to fit on the standard tangs you'd end up with quite a long pull with most commercial rail fitted folding stocks. There looks to be a few actually. look up ak folding stock for fixed trunnion ak folding stock for fixed trunnion
  9. Indeed. My 2p. I just wanted something that works well out the box so went with an mws. I didn't mind if it wasn't 100%oldschool AR.
  10. Could be a badly finished barrel or if it's skimming a flash hider or suppressor on the way out if you are using one.
  11. Fair don't have one unfortunately
  12. I might have a some kicking about, anything particular you need?
  13. I was curious about what the extra caps are for.
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