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Seven last won the day on March 9 2019

Seven had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    Custom Hi-Capa
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    Black BTP.
    Custom Fast Helmet.
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    The Depot

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  1. Seven

    THE TM MWS thread

    Have you used it? What's it like? I'm looking for something bulletproof, set it and forget it with a nice smooth action and good coatings.
  2. Seven

    THE TM MWS thread

    Has anyone replaced the original buffer tube? Looking for some recommendations for the best metal buffer tube, multi positional, that will accept a real magpul MOE/CTR stock. I've been advised elsewhere that I should pick up one of these: https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gp-marui-gbb-mws-roller-bolt-for-mws004-tube?fbclid=IwAR1-PjelhQ1OqMow7YvV7h6vBXpOUu-i7ZqSxwSRZ7ACisYAfKutzpHRsX0 to go with a real buffer tube or one of these: https://www.redwolfairsoft.com//redwolf/airsoft/Accessories_Grips_and_Stocks_GBB_G_P_6_Position_Buffer_Tube_for_Tokyo_Marui_M4A1_MWS_GBBR.htm I am under the impression that, if I went for a real buffer tube, that I would have to rethread the receiver as although they have the same thread size and pitch as TM, the cut is different. Can anyone confirm if those 2 parts above are good or recommend alternatives? Can anyone also confirm if I would have to rethread the receiver if I pick up a real tube from Brownells? Thanks in advance!
  3. My eyes approve this option! 🙂
  4. Seven

    THE TM MWS thread

    I've finally decided to pull the proverbial trigger and get me one of these bad boys, CQBR version. Already ordering parts! Just ordered myself a licensed EMG/SAI QD Rail with JailBrake, pictured below. Will be picking up a Magpul MOE stock too. Just need to find myself a nice skeletonised pistol grip and foregrip and i'll be all set I think... not including optic of course. Kinda excited!
  5. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/army-armament-jag-precision-x-taran-tactical-jw3-combat-master-gas-blowback-pistol The lighting in my pictures make the barrel look very golden. It's not really. Its actually a dark rose gold, almost burnt copper look.
  6. Seven

    THE TM MWS thread

    @Wo1f Quick question, not sure if you covered reasonings but I can't see it... But what is the benefit of leaving a stub on the magazine fill tube instead of removing it entirely? I'm on the cusp of buying a CQBR block 1.
  7. Did you just ASSUME that Roger was complaining?! This is 2019, Proffrink!!! 😉
  8. UPS are a joke for sure. Mike from Elite and I had a hell of a time with my order of pistol parts. I've literally never, no exaggeration, had a single delivery go smoothly with UPS. They take incompetence to a whole new level. Why are they not accepting RIF deliveries for you? Just you? Wtf? What did you order from patrol base? Did they sit on it or was it DHL?
  9. Par for the course with UPS in my experience. Fingers crossed for a result tomorrow. Did you get the uprated gears put in?
  10. Oh, that's ok then. You should get it for Sunday. I say SHOULD... I'm guessing UPS? Worst logistics company on the face of the earth so I hope for your sake it comes...
  11. I'm guessing you ain't getting it back for Sunday?
  12. Now I know why so many parcels go missing with Royal Mail! Fuck!
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