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  • Guns
    L85 A2 Carbine
    M14 long and smol
    All the AK's
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    MTP, russian digital flora and any hodge podge
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    Free Fire Zone
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  1. wish there was a way to check if my ukara is still active.  I requested an extention, and got the affirmative from the site.  but no email follow up to say it was done.  Risky to buy from hong kong without knowing


    1. ak2m4


      yeah man, it sucks indeed.  

  2. Out at MAW with the new unrestricted nozzle with npas fitted. It needed a dremmel to fit as the bolt carrier was glued together. But now it works fine. Locks back reliably and the fire rate on auto has improved. Secondly, 5 second gas fill on the 20 rounders gets 60+/- shots, so I was over filling the first time round. Might change the hop rubber at some point, but stock performance is acceptable
  3. well, npas in the m16 and not overgassing has certainly improved the performance and fire rate

  4. So recently got the V3 VFC GBB M16a1 with 7 extra mags. My first outing didnt run smoothly, it wouldnt fire or was light striking a lot. I think i was over gasing the mags to the point it wasnt able to get enough gas out with each trigger pull. (hoping the 12 degree weather wasnt also problematic). I have since timed my gassing and about 4 to 6 seconds and it can empty the mag and lock back (they are all short 20 rounders) on most of the mags. Three of the mags do not lock back on the first shot, even when given the same timing of gas. They also appear to bounce and effectivelly fire full auto on semi, but i doubt it would be chambering any bb's. Anyone got experience with this? could it be the valve is stickier on these three? im going to let it all warm up and retest the three problem ones. added impression:- hop can manage 32's just, but stock is average at best, probably swap out later. no factory NPAS, was sent with a restrictor fitted. The bolts on the carrier are bolted in so yet to fit the npas, definately a high temp threadlock/glue
  5. anyone got a vfc m16 gbb... is there a knack to the hopup, mine doesnt move



    1. JinxDuh


      It's probably broken, I'll give you £10 for it so you don't have to worry any more 😏

  6. Anyone with experience on Airsoft Direct preorders?

  7. its the fact that the supporting strap has also come away from the leather that gets me
  8. emailed SoF so will see what happens with them first. Thanks for the link, i have them bookmarked for the inevitable. they look close enough to me, if only i knew a week or so ago New photo to show the size of the hole I have not had the best of luck with these, i also have a size 9 of the same make. In store they were comfy so i bought them... found out too late that they are too small to run in (guess im a 9.5). was gonna try and flog them on here soon, but this thread isnt going to be much good for advertising xD
  9. Ignoring the boot drama in GenHelp.  Good day at the MAW, shottie ran well and the ZCI barrel I put in the M16 is for the trash.  Put a maple leaf in it and the difference is night and day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kasaran
    3. Hudson


      Well nice to meet you! I was one of the snipers on the blue side. First time visiting the MAW

    4. ak2m4


      Found some shocking QC with them recently, why I stopped selling them:


  10. Thanks. Just leaving the game site now. Can't have a game at without something breaking.... Sadly I wanted jungle boots to go with my 'nam kit. Anyone know of any decent ones out there?
  11. Anyone had experience on returns from breakages? First time out. Got them on Friday. And my jungle boots nylon is torn. I'm guessing because it's happened in use they will say no. Just a bit gutted.
  12. Not done, but due to my looking at the vfc m16a1 I found this when trying to find out about npas fitting Seems like it might work, anyone tried this
  13. Whats the opinions on VFC GBBr's?  eyeing the M16a1/XM177e2 at the moment.  its a brand i have not had any dealings with so far

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kasaran


      I'd love an MWS for it.  but paying £800 for the a1 receiver, £120 for the stock and £300 for the m16 front end aaaand the £400 base gun a bit steep.  If TM did an M16 gbb then i wouldnt hesitate to get it

    3. werzairsoft


      bloody hell that's pricey i can see why you wanna go vfc now 

    4. Nick G

      Nick G

      As GiantKiwi suggested, use a WE as a base. I've built 4 L119's based on WE M4's and they are great. Performance is excellent, parts are cheap if required and easy to get and real steel stock tubes , stocks, grips etc fit.

  14. sooo, somehow bent in one of the prongs of my tm recoil mk18.... considering how thick it is, i am amazed, anyone done this and successfully bent it back? its too narrow now for bbs.  It makes a good tuning fork as it is now


    1. Pseudotectonic


      the flash hider? i suppose you can unscrew it, clamp the base with a vice (wrap it with something soft), and try to bend the prong back out


      just don't try to bend it back while it's on the gun to avoid collateral damage

  15. run down to todays game.  M16 zci inner barrel clean did not fix the woeful scatter gun accuracy.  it was fine the first 3 outings.  might try and get a new hop rubber. unless this is the cautionary tail for zci QC.


    Also, one of my tm 5-7 mags seems to have had the seal blow at the top. it was stored containing ASG matinence gas. so thats another thing to fix...

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