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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. sounds like they're wanting to get an official body setup, which would be good if they can do it right. i can see the biggest hurdle is going to be awareness and buy-in, i mean i've been to sites that don't bother with ukara (as in they cant be bothered setting themselves up on the system so they can get their members/regular players registered) and i can see it being hard to persuade them to go for something like this.
  2. just putting it out there but pretty sure captain price has been a character in the COD franchise since the WW2 stuff
  3. somewhat topically relevant given todays news with regards to returning after lockdown. figured it might be worth discussing what our thoughts are in general when it comes to the subject of a governing body for airsoft, what options are out there, what we think we'd like to see it become, etc etc. seems the de-facto candidate would be ukapu but i'm curious if they have any competitors, or perhaps if there's scope they don't currently cover that might be worth them looking at. the vrca was before my time but afaik wasn't it ukapu who managed to prevent us from 2-toned oblivion? i guess for me i'd quite like to see something that provides not just representation in the legal/political sphere, but also guidance for sites, ideas on best practice, even things like training for site owners/marshalls (eg consistent rules on how/when/why a player should be banned) one of the big annoyances with airsoft (at least my experience of it so far) is the lottery of sites, it's seemingly anywhere from sub-sections of larger businesses that have airsoft as part of a range of activities such as paintball, assault courses, teambuilding events etc, right the way through to farmer joe who's more than happy to let a bunch of folk run around his land of a sunday evening for £20 a head. problem is with no real formal guidance these places can be anywhere from one or two "marshalls" (read: couple of the site owners kids doing marshalling for pocket money) and a laughably open chrono setup (or even none at all) right the way through to places that try their best but get stuck in bad practice (such as the ol' 1fps over with the hop turned off on .2's and you're gone no we don't care that joule creep is a thing) types. needless to say the grassroots nature of airsoft has it's charms, ease of access being one of them, and i realize that this sort of thing isn't going to happen overnight, but it would be nice to dream of a world where you can rock up to a governed site with reasonable expectations on what the place is gonna be like.
  4. yeah, really surprised me to see just how cheap those things are. not the worst guns out there, it's basically a bullpupped aksu with a rube-golberg fire control setup and m4 mags.
  5. aww man, awesome games, defo worth a playthrough. the storyline might be a bit, errm, russian, though
  6. i think carpet would be a much better option than foam, a bedsheet would work however might be a bit on the weak side if you're shooting up close.
  7. isn't it the other way round? ie we need a governing body to lobby for airsoft being a sport? i do think a governing body would be a good thing, someone to set standards for sites to aspire to and make things a bit more consistent than the complete lottery it is at the minute. edit: done been ninja'd
  8. isn't that basically the kalash 2012 from metro?
  9. welp, just caved and bought all the things, but the most notable is decided to take a punt on the warhead brushless motors so have an order in for the standard short-shaft version.
  10. owch, wonder what got them doing that? shame really as if everyone is acting sensible airsoft is a good option for maintaining social distancing outdoors, certainly compared to an indoor gym...... still suppose it's good to be clear about where it stands rather than playing the guessing game. remember hearing that being used as the excuse last summer, can't remember how the interpretation went, something to do with it being skill-based
  11. this sounds very much like the "mcbuckshot" shells a fella on here was fond of making out of mcdonalds gravy pots. as long as it's lightweight materials that will either shred or fall away when fired so you're not smacking someone with a single big mass i can't see it being that bad, certainly not compared to impact tag rounds which scare the bejesus out of me.
  12. it's a shit one, but the plan here seems to be hold onto the current lockdown for much longer in the hope that we can avoid closing down again. hopefully it works. owch, you're gonna want some ice on that burn
  13. think he mis-spelled mosfet. black talon is the company that makes them rather than the name of the mosfet itself.
  14. is it bad that i'm starting to think you might as well spray the remaining black parts a slightly darker shade of pink for the 2-tones effect. please, someone, snap me out of this.....
  15. indeed, enough to push it over if precocking is involved not sure it'd do enough on a standard setup.
  16. i know the feeling. i just use belt rigs, i'm not worried about stopping actual bullets and i have enough frontal padding without adding several inches of carrier and mags on top
  17. yeah, i'm running one of those 30k's on a 7.4v on 12:1 and it's not fast enough to give ab any issue stopping it (kinda the point of the stupid strength those motors have) do you have any kind of precocking enabled? could be the mild rps jump from the deans switch has pushed it just over the threshold
  18. i'm assuming from the context you're making something with molle yourself, so the ability to move a pouch up/down is probably not relevant given you're gonna be putting the strips where you want them anyway.
  19. ahh so the mosfet has been in there a while and working fine?
  20. i presume having no spacing is simply to allow you to mount things up/down in finer increments depending on taste.
  21. not so much a dreamer post, but a thing i noticed on an ad and it's not really worth making a new topic: why oh why g&g did you make the best airsoft mg42 on the market, a true work of art, then ruin it by stamping "made in taiwan" in massive fuckin letters on the side i'm not the worlds biggest markings freak but there are some lines that should not be crossed......
  22. i wouldn't call that a service, that's most of the internals..... when you say black talon i presume you mean the spectre? i'd be tempted to say try her on the original trigger contacts (leave the rest of the build as-is) see if there's something in how the mosfet is operating causing the problem.
  23. "lipo ready"="we will be more inventive when weaseling out of a warranty claim than a stock response saying it was the battery"
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