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Everything posted by Duff

  1. Duff

    SOLD Tracer unit and bbs

    It will be standard 14mm.
  2. Can anyone recommend a detailed SAFETY orientated video for wiring Deans connectors to Lipos/AEG's please and thankyou.
  3. Waiting on Lipo #2 so I can try blowing myself up again attempting to wire Deans.

    1. Davegolf


      Going for a maximum current test eh!?


    2. Duff


      That's the one.

  4. Believe me if I had the cash spare it would already be here.
  5. Lipo #2 on order. Well done dickhead.



    1. AndyDynamic


      Where do you order your lipos from? I found Hobby Kings Turnigy lipos to be spot on

    2. Duff


      Last one I got with an order with TaiwanGun, this one I bought from Amazon as I have a game Sunday I've postponed 3 times now.

  6. It would cost the same as any other RIF that gets posted every other day. You should be willing to post if the buyer offers to pay the postage. UPS are very reasonable, as are Parcelforce48.
  7. Take your mobile number off public view mate.
  8. Tomorrow I shall be soldering for the first time in.... uhhh... shit!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Duff


      So the flat side rather than the convex side yes?

    3. Marc.RG1


      Yeah flat or indented side depending on the type you have. 

    4. Duff


      Cheapo 10 pairs from Amazon. Picked the ones that fit the snuggest as some were just loose and I felt they'd just wiggle apart when I run around.

  9. Well shit, after weeks of staring at this "newsletter" sub button, I finally clicked it and it went away. I wonder what will be in the newsletter...?


    SUCCESS!!! @proffrink

  10. He isn't a dreamer, he's a wanker. I mean, all of his concerns can be answered with "Well buy it new then mate." Concerns over repairs on a second hand item sure but it ain't even a year old. Even the most dedicated airsofter couldn't skirmish 20 times over that period.Glad you're sensible mate, sell it for what you want. I think it's more than reasonable.
  11. https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/m9316-spring-desert-eagle/
  12. A clustrrfuck of confusion on my part. Apologies to Red Alert it was a different site whom shall remain nameless.
  13. Hi Barney I've spoken to Dannyc and cleared things up.
  14. I know right? I should have just waited to book the 17th at Absolute, instead of contemplating this site. Their website is terrible and the main reason why I ended up booking the wrong thing. Gonna try and get my bank to reverse the payment but not looking likely as I gave card details over the phone. Just to clarify, I reserved on the site and then rang up and paid the £40 over the phone.
  15. Does anyone know if the guys at [Redacted] who run the airsoft also run the paintball or are they two seperate companies? Reason I ask is I accidentally booked in for paintball and they are refusing to move the date or change it to airsoft or even refund me. Kinda pissed that I just dropped £40 booking into the wrong bloody thing but I would have thought they 'd be more than happy to swap it around but they don't answer the phone and since my first email response telling me "tough titty" I've been met with nothing from them.
  16. "Custom" paintjob... ie:done by the owner and its a one of a kind terribad paint job... lmfao
  17. I do love it when a sitting duck post comes together...

  18. From a DayZ squad I was part of, they finally got patches made after I left. Got one on way anyway. The Chipotle Bandits JPC patches: Back: (I am gonna add more velcro to the mag puches and storage section so I can acquire more patches!) Front:
  19. Bore da! Off to Taffy land for the weekend! Enjoy your pews, I'll be working. 

  20. Had the JG M4 front end in pieces re-arranging rails and shit, plopped the battery back in after a quick charge to check everything was good to go for SUnday and nothing....


    ...no power and all cells are showing as good on the battery.


    What the fuck?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Duff


      Welp... postponed Absolute until 17th as I gotta wait on parts now....

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      whats worse is when the people you live with don't understand why you need several airsoft guns.


      atm i'm averaging at least 1 out of 3 guns functional at any one time, which tbh is pretty good.

    4. Duff


      My housemate has 2.7 Supras of which only one is road worthy, he understands.

  21. Was this the same bug someone was talking about the other week regarding video embedding going tits up on mobile devices?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proffrink
    3. Duff


      Nah it someone status you were talking about it to, wasn't a thread. I don't think anyway...

    4. Prisce


      That was me that said that in the wrong forum feedback area, we spoke about PCs and my hatred for them!

  22. I dunno, move the decimal and I'd consider it for an ornamental piece. Like those creepy china dolls and swan doileys, all ornaments must be ugly so the Vector fits in perfectly.
  23. Skirmshop finally have the left handed MK23 retention holsters in stock! https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/mk23-left-handed-retention-holster.html
  24. Duff

    2 x KWA Vector Packages

    You know it's illegal to sell your kids right?
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