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Skara last won the day on February 24 2023

Skara had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Cyma CM.045, Specna C-02, C-08, FX-01 PDW, Action Army T-11,2x AAP-01, TM MK23 and G17, Well minigun
  • Loadouts
    Ranger Green, A-Tacs iX stuff for the most part.
  • Sites
    Private Team Site (Italy)
  • Gender
  • Location
    La Spezia, Italy
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving, Ski, MTB, Bushcraft, Mechanical stuff, Architecture.

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  1. I love when it rains and all your teammates decide it's not worth it.

    Then the rain stops and everyone is complaining that we're not playing.


    Like, how about you grow up a pair and get out of bed?




    Fucking chairsofters..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skara


      I totally agree, bad weather days always provide the most fun. No idea why though.

      Maybe it's because we get only 6 to 10 people, the ones that play together all the time, so we're ultra chilled and just want to have a good time.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i think it's because if you're dedicated enough to the sport to stay out in shitty weather then you're more likely to be the type to play properly.

    4. RMDavis


      Totally agree with the above comments. It was raining on and off Saturday and I had one of the best days 'pewing' in a long time! Surrounded by a bunch of like minded people (decent players that took their hits) End of the day, we're all running around at the weekend playing 'army' why does bad weather have to stop that? Combat clothing etc drys out very quickly! 

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