@Polyscript chill, some of us have been at this for literally decades, posts like yours are ten-a-penny, & 99% of them never come to fruition, of the 1% that do, half don't last beyond the first year.
Hence why some of us can be a bit cynical when we read first posts such as these.
As has been pointed out, to get a good understanding you need to ideally be playing, visiting the best rated sites to see how they do it, comparing your potential site to others, what features does yours have & how can it be improved, assuming the landowner will allow alterations.
No ones gonna want to visit a flat featureless open field, that's gonna get boring 5 minutes in.
Then, assuming you get to the point of opening the "doors", you need marshals, you need multiple game scenarios THAT WORK to keep clients interested, the list goes on & on, come back when you've played a few games & tell us about it & what you've learned, you'll get a much better reception than asking to be spoonfed info.