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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM Scar H EBB
  • Loadouts
    none yet
  • Sites
    Ace Combat Brenchly
  • Gender
  • Location
    North West Kent

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Osiris's Achievements

  1. After buying my first gun the TM scar h last month this month I got my first sidearm! (Taking bets on how long it takes to go bankrupt) Got it from Land Warrior Airsoft, it arrived after a couple of days and they didn't ask for ukara (thought that was a bit odd, was half expecting them to send it two tone)
  2. Just drove down to Combat South in Portsmouth (about 1.45 hours each way but worth it on a nice sunny day near the sea) and got me my first RIF! and charger and lipos and bbs and 3 extra mags 😂, took me half a year longer to buy my first one than i wanted due to work etc but hey good things come to those who wait
  3. One more month until ukara. Why is choosing your first gun so hard :D 

    1. padraigthesniper


      Because they cost alot of money and you cant have them all... Unless you do a breaking bad and sell meth then you can have a systema mp5 with 20 magazines and a full upgrade kit with high end actually military gear just to run around a field in pretend war without any training or good fitness level looking operator as F**K. Then when you play cqb you can show up with two TM AA12s with drum magazines and a unlimited supply of expensive realistic pyros... lol

    2. Marc.RG1


      Yup so true, so many guns so little time and cash lol.. Here's a tip though don't try choosing your first gun, make it your first 2 guns then it's a bit easier to do lol. :)

    3. Lozart


      Just accept that this will not be your only gun. Get something half decent but don't overthink it. With a few exceptions pretty much whatever you get will be better than you are for a while to come!

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