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Everything posted by Asomodai

  1. Ditto, though the missus wanted Turkish Dolma instead of a roast today and frankly I can get them to keep their shape once boiled :-(. I dont mind vine leaves and rice... but on a Sunday??
  2. Thank you for your wishes! I have high Hope's. I also loathe the demise of real political change as written in the other thread :-). Though it's a variation on a theme, I wonder if a true Socialist Nationalist party would be palatable to the majority. Good public services, putting the country first and having a points based immigration system (But without the racist warmongering Nazi authoritarian regime)
  3. Much appreciated. She is certainly a character. Funnily enough we mostly talk about politics when we are together. She was in the running to become a conservative counsellor in the early 90s, she introduced me to John Major, William Waldagrave and William Hague at various Conservative party fundraisers and events. On my 11th birthday she bought me a signed Maggie Thatcher autobiography. John Bercow used to stay at her house when he was a young whipper snapper trying to gain influence. She has always been disappointed how I turned out politically despite her best efforts. Though she is happy that I am at least active in politics, have conviction in my belief and do more then post on the internet about it! (Honest! :-D) I certainly hope I can continue lively political debate with her for years to come!
  4. Evidence seems to be going towards that transmission rates go down with people who have caught COVID despite having vaccine which is some good news. Sadly my crazy elderly battleaxe Grandmother has been very unlucky as shes currently battling the Bristol Covid Variant despite having her first Pfizer vaccine 4 weeks ago. Shes doing... ok. But it's touch and go. We'll know in a few days time. I have also been informed that my estranged Father has caught it. Hes an ass, but I wouldn't wish it on him. Mixed emotions. I wish I could begrudgingly praise this government for their response, but I really cant going by the stats.
  5. I'll be brief as I am on a walk. Population shouldn't be an issue as we should have been investing more in the NHS to support our population, instead it has been bled dry or invested into frankly awful outsourced contracts. Which is why singapore managed it better then us, because they have an adequate health service that matches the population. You mentioned population density with NZ, but why not Singapore? Singapore has more population density then London yet handled it far better. Why? They had a health service that was proportionate to the health service amongst other reasons. With regards to setting equipment aside for potential pandemic, that's what many countries should do. The health service needs to be effective for disastrous events, not "barely functioning" in normal times. Criticise NZ all you want, they recognised they only had to do one thing, close the borders, which they did, it worked and saved them from hemorrhaging more money then most countries. One of the first things you do in a pandemic is to restrict travel. We didnt do that, in fact Boris was bent on herd immunity, until he was proved wrong. I certainly do vote at the ballot, but the role of an opposition party is to keep an existing government in check so that people are better informed at the next election. Though sadly the opposition is pretty feckless at the moment.
  6. In the interest of fairness Hancock would outsource the chrono at massive cost to taxpayers, to his neighbour. who knows nothing about airsoft, wouldn't even turn up to the skirmish and wouldnt know how to operate it 😄
  7. Taiwan, Singapore, NZ to name but some. Singapore has been amazing considering they are both a travel hub and one of the 5 most densely populated countries on earth. A few years ago the NHS conducted a 3 day pandemic exercise who's recommendations were suppressed and largely ignored by the government. Many of those recommendations if enacted would have drastically cut the amount of deaths and infections we have had up to date. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_Cygnus
  8. There are other governments in other countries who have done far better. I also think it's more that Boris is stuck between the science and the influential hard right of his own party. I have a tiny slither of sympathy for him in that regard.
  9. I would absoloutely support this, politics is incredibly mickey mouse and I like very few serving politicians at the moment! My bet would be on Larry the cat for the win. Scratching Boris and Starmers eyes out.... brutal.
  10. It's in response to the posts and general feeling that it's just the left that are more likely to ban firearms (which seems to not be challenged when stated here, I am playing counterpoint), Just clearing that up. NZ had a mass shooting and they have cleaned up their gun laws as well being a leftist/centrist government. The Conservatives were absoloutely right to ban those firearms, it was very close to banning Airsofts use of RIFs as well. The issue is already politicised by people "bashing the left" on the forum, I just want to make sure that people are aware it is not necessarily a "Left or Right" issue. Changes happen in reaction to an event or authoritarian methods of control. Edit: I am old enough to remember the mass shootings. Further edit: I hadnt brought up the idea that "governments will do it in reaction to an event" because I assumed that everyone knew that was obvious and a given. I am sorry I didn't specifically mention it before. I also agree that I did labour the Authortitive part of that statement when I shouldn't have as even a non authoritative government would have acted the same. (The government happened to be authoritative, but it has no real bearing on what resulted from the shooting, it was the right thing to do)
  11. Hes just going to announce the roadmap, nothing will ease tomorrow AFAIK. My wife teaches and it's more likely they will just announce that they will fully open Primary school and partially open Secondarys in 2 weeks time. I reckon airsoft has at least another 4 weeks to go and even then, with heavy restrictions. It's too early to open back up anyway, amount of infections is still high.
  12. I understand what you mean. Partisan politics can be poisonous. Especially when people tend to vote a certain party because they either dont like the people who vote for the other party, or they vote based on a single policy. Despite the other party having a whole raft of policies that would benefit them. I find Left or Right is like supporting a football team, you rag on the other team for no reason apart from they arent on your perceived side. Case in point I "might" vote for a party in the next election that may well ban Airsoft because I believe in the majority of their policies and enacting those policies are more important then playing airsoft once a fortnight. ‐----------- My opinion is that we have to base the reasoning of a license on what the average joe public sees. Sure, they are not live firearms, but to a "normal" person it's a firearm, which incites panic and for good reason. Hence why a license in my opinion will legitimise things more in the eye of the public and authorities. The current defenses in the UK are not fit for purpose as it's still too easy to get a RIF without the most recognised one (UKARA. IFs should be banned as bright colours can be painted on real firearms anyway. The majority of problems we face in Airsoft is bad press because of unscrupulous and/or stupid people going nuts with a RIF in public. We need to stop them from getting access to them so easily. A license wont stop it outright as anyone determined enough can get hold of one, but a verified license will stem the incidences somewhat to a lesser level. It will also separate us legitimate airsofters, from the stupid rabble who use them for purposes other then airsoft. You can yell at people until you are blue in the face, but they see RIF, they see firearms and I cant blame them.
  13. I think one thing we can agree on is that Political Parties are no longer different enough to matter. But when a party or person does become popular that is specifically left or right, they get run out eventually as to not break the status Quo. Re: Corbyn and Trump. I find peoples opinions on imitation firearms to be very similar to NIMBYS (Not in my Backyard) People who prevent any sort of new developments near their property. The complaints can come from both the Right and Left wing as it's something no one really wants near them. The same can be said for Firearms or Imitation rifles. Personally I think the only way to survive as a sport in the UK is to introduce a government sanctioned, full blown legal Airsoft License. It would both legitimise us as a hobby/sport and make it harder for the your average guy on the street to pickup a RIF and go hog wild in a public place with it. Some people disagree with me saying it's a step closer to outright banning the sport. But any UK government can take it away now immediately with very little consultation as we have a very tenuous defence that allows us to purchase rifles. I would rather risk going legit now on our terms and insistence, then the whole lot being taken away without warning. How would one go about getting such a license... I haven't a clue! That's for someone smarter then me to come up with!
  14. Australia is run by the Liberal party, but are Right Wing. The name means nothing. It's the actions they take that means something. Also Communism like Authoritative is neither Left or Right. It exists in either wing. Socialism can be left wing, but can also be Right Wing and Authoritarian at the same time.. Look at the Nazi party as a good example.
  15. That is their policy. I avoided stating a particular party but if you want to go down that rabbit hole then.. It was a Right Wing Authoritarian Tory Government that effectively banned handguns in the UK, leaving only .22 pistols which were banned a year after. It was also a right wing Tory government that banned full automatic full bore rifles and similar. It's been Right Wing Authoritarian Tory governments that have tried to introduce legislation that could affect Airsoft rifles and UKAPU has had to deal with. Now that China, a Right Wing Authoritarian Government effectively rule Hong Kong, they are now trying to ban Airsoft. Australia has not allowed Airsoft to be played and have recently banned Gel Blasters unless you have a license. The government in charge at the time? The Liberal Party, which is a Centre Right party. Some Scandinavian countries and NZ have healthy Airsoft scenes despite being run by Left Wing/Centrist/Somewhat Socialist governments, because they are not Authoritarian. As I said. It is "mostly" AUTHORITARIAN governments that try to ban stuff like this, regardless of right and left.
  16. Consistently voting in Authoritarian governments whether its left or right of the political spectrum will make bans a common place.
  17. I saw a brand new airsofter get an Ares L1A1 with wood stock two toned...
  18. Typhoon Airsoft were having 50% off Accessories and Tac gear. Picked up the following half price. Tokyo Marui M92F / M9 GBB Magazine Tokyo Marui FN 5-7 Magazine Abbey Predator Maintenance Gas 144a (270ml) Abbey Silicone Gun Oil (150ml Spray) ASG Blaster 0.20g BBs (NEW 3300 Bottle) 2x Element QD Swivel NUPROL SHOTGUN SHELL PACK (4PC) I dont even have a TM FN 5-7, but the mags are typically quite expensive and I do intend to get one at some point in the future!
  19. £750, Comes with leaky mags, or you could buy brand new from Gunfire for 650 quid inc VAT. DSR-1 Sniper Rifle Replica - Black-Silver - shop Gunfire
  20. This is my current Well MB09 setup. Stock Outer Barrel, Receiver, Stock, Hop Block, Hop unit and Bolt handle end cap. Action Army EG Barrel for VSR 410mm. Maple Leaf 60 degree bucking. TDC MOD AirsoftPRO Full upgrade v4.1 zero trigger set AirsoftPRO U shape hop arm AirsoftPRO Cylinder with Sorbo installed for an airbrake. AirsoftPRO Piston AirsoftPRO Cylinder Head AirsoftPRO Bolt handle Currently shooting just below the UK Joule rating on .48's. So I have been very unimpressed with the amount of flyers and general inaccuracy I get with it. Due to the fluted Well barrel, I have to stick with the original hop unit, which although TDC'ed and installed with a nice arm and shimmed, it seems to perform flyers on a regular basis. The AP Air seal components are really quality, however they generate slightly less volume then standard VSR components due to thicker cylinder walls and smaller diameter piston. It also has a piece of sorbo to bring the FPS down a little. As such the 410mm barrel is too long to get enough volume for .48s to be stable. So I am considering a shorter barrel setup with the following parts. Maple Leaf VSR CNC Receiver Type B Maple Leaf Bull Outer Barrel 300mm. Maple Leaf 300mm Crazy Jet Action Army VSR 10 Hopup chamber. I have to keep the stock Well Hop Block because the MB10's mag release mechanism is built into the Block and not the body. I would prefer to not have to buy the ML receiver, but I believe the Well receiver is off spec and will unlikely be able to take the ML Outer barrel. I will likely pick up some Bull barrel stabilisers as well. Does anyone see a problem with this setup at all? Can I reuse my Well VSR Rail on the Maple Leaf Receiver? Considering the AP Cylinder has slightly less volume then most VSR's and a piece of sorbo has been installed for an Air Brake, will I be close enough to volume matching with a 300mm 6.04 ML CJ barrel? There is a cheaper way of doing it, simply buying a Well MB02 for cheap, and just use the outer barrel from that, buy the new inner barrel and AA Hop unit and be done with it.. Sadly Gunfire has none in stock for the silly cheap prices Well MB02's go for.
  21. It's not quite as simple as that, as many good brands make poor specific guns, but out of the lot I would say Cyma AK's (Models that begin with a CM04*) and G&G M4's. Specna gives you quite a lot for your money, but I don't think the consistency in manufacturing is on the same level as the two above.
  22. Purchased a 3D Printed Rotary Tavor Hop unit for my S&T/Umarex Tavor. Tavor Rotary Hop-up Unit Gen 2 (EM7GFXQEQ) by benwadeburgess (shapeways.com) The original is so cheaply made, gears missing teeth, and the arm has an odd design that just cannot give me enough hop for more then .25's. (Though is accurate enough) It's one of my favourite RIFS so it gets the Rotary treatment.
  23. Yeah I know its terrible... But I got it for a good price! Coming from China so will be a while, especially with CNY going on. MAG M249 NutSack mag (I think it was mispriced so likely wont get it) Maple Leaf Crazy Jet 410MM for my SRS Asura Dynamics RK-3 AK Pistol Grip
  24. Cant be arsed with the mucking around I have to do with the SRS Fast hop. So purchased Kraken Ultimate hop unit for SRS Kraken 60 degree spare rubber Crazy Jet 133mm Mk23 Inner barrel.
  25. The Silent head pistons do very little to reduce noise. Concentrate on shimming well and correction of AOE. I would suggest a plastic toothed piston which may negate some noise of the gear on piston. Though again, the effect would be minimal. What rifle is this going in? The best rifles for quietness are ones that have lots of space inside the receiver so you can fill it with foam or other sound dampening things, such as Augs, F2000's and P90s.
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