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Asomodai last won the day on July 25 2022

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  • Guns
    SRS, AKMSU, ARX160, AKM, AMD-65, MK23, FN-57
  • Loadouts
    French, Italian, Hungarian, Maskpol Mapa, DNC, PMC
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    Anything in the SE.
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  1. Any good Woodland site for Snipers in the UK that is near a major town or city?

    I was thinking of trying to get an overnight National Express to a random Town or City and head to a decent Woodland/Urban site. 

    Anyone got a recommendation? I tend to find the large Woodland sites are no where near cities (For obvious reasons)

    Just need a change from the London and South East sites. 

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      I don't know if the Spec Ops site counts as a good 'un for snipers - there are definitely some decent sight lines, there are ghillied-up Groots and Wookies on most game days and they seem happy enough.

      The bright lights of Milton Keynes can be yours for the taking ;)  Bonus points to MK for the fact it's on the M1 with the coach station only a few miles from the site, and the Euston > Birmingham line for the train is near the town centre, so it's piss-easy to get to.

      Happy to buy you a pint (but one'll be about as much as I can afford at the moment) to say 'thank you' for the TM AUG you sold me!



      Extra bonus points to MK  - you can visit Bletchley Park and see the excellent crypto museum.   And the National Computing museum.  
      And in the town center is a Retro Gaming arcade, if 70's arcades are your thang

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