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Asomodai last won the day on July 25 2022

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    SRS, AKMSU, ARX160, AKM, AMD-65, MK23, FN-57, PX4
  • Loadouts
    French, Italian, Hungarian, Maskpol Mapa, DNC, PMC
  • Sites
    Anything in the SE.
  • Gender
  • Location
    South East England

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  1. Struggling to find a Saturday Skirmish for this weekend coming in the South East. Want to avoid anyplace I have played before. Throw out your ideas! 

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    2. clumpyedge


      If you don't find somewhere for Saturday might I suggest Rawwar in tendering (near colchester) -



    3. Asomodai


      @clumpyedge It's on the list, alas we have to stick with Saturday this weekend. 

    4. clumpyedge


      Let me know when you plan on going to Raw and ill make sure im about to join, they only do one a month (1st sunday of the month).


      I cant think of anywhere else that does Saturday games unfortunately, have you tried looking at the site database that someone set up a while back?

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