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    SPAS 12 h*ck yeah
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  1. Western Arms? Prime? Sheriff? What is this? 2008? Reminds me of my old 1911 build before Hicapas dominated the market
  2. sadly it doesn't fit on my Maruzen 870, but those guns aren't proper scale afaik. Also, the screws on this mount are at different levels unlike an 870 which look to be about the same level as one another, albeit different sizes
  3. I was after a "real steel" optic and was given this Qwik Point on a random shotgun mount (I'm guessing an Automatic 5?). It's interesting, albeit a bit rubbish. It might look cool on my retro M16 AEG, or I might use it as a spotting scope for my camera
  4. Ahh classic. I have the P7M13 from the same lineup!
  5. I bought another 80's tactical stock... Turns out it doesn't fit a KTW Ithaca. It has the jauntiest pistol grip ever though, almost vertical.
  6. Ooh are we playing "prop the airsoft gun against an American Ford"? Systema GUU5-P Yisssssss nice Mustangs
  7. Not mine, but whatevs. Subtle mods to make an A1 into something slightly more retro. My brother puts together retro AR's. He's nearly finished an M231 FPW
  8. I found a use for my stock... I put together a prop 80's style Remington Wingmaster for my brother using a Maruzen shell ejector base. Shotguns are awesome.
  9. Yeah nobody quite gets the SPAS 12 quite right, except for Lost World: Trespasser, where you can throw the SPAS 12 away and pick up a different gun
  10. Hi, it's an 80's (I think) Choate folding stock for a Remington 870 shotgun. It's kind of tacticool from back when tacticool wasn't a thing!
  11. Into the box of junk I don't use and tell myself I'll sell one day... When did I even own an MP5...
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