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MSSW Rune last won the day on February 4 2017

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  • Guns
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    - II 125. Regiment Panzer grenadier of 21 panzer div
    - I 47. Regiment grenadier 20 Estonian div
  • Sites
    Thunder park
    Skirmish Exeter
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  • Interests
    Tabletop wargaming

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  1. Decided to get some photos of my senior NCO kit (Oberscharführer) before a milsim next weekend. Odds are I'll be using my mp40 but it's currently with a tech who's fixed it up for me. Honestly even with full wool on under my camo it still didn't feel too warm surprisingly so I think I'll definitely stick with the over layers for this one I think. I hope you like these pics and the second set is the basic panzergrenadier kit most of my guys will be running.
  2. Managed to get a few photos of my platoon leader (feldwebel) kit for 2nd battalion, 7th company 125th regiment panzergrenadier kit 21 panzer division near Ranville on the edge of the Orne river on exercise spring 44. This company would be the one that's pushed away from Pegasus and Horsa bridge by Brit para's on d-day. It's been fun doing lots of research for this kit and with a much higher quality smock I feel a lot happier with my impression now.
  3. Managed to get a few photos of my platoon leader (feldwebel) kit for 2nd battalion, 7th company 125th regiment panzergrenadier kit 21 panzer division near Ranville on the edge of the Orne river on exercise spring 44. This company would be the one that's pushed away from Pegasus and Horsa bridge by Brit para's on d-day. It's been fun doing lots of research for this kit and with a much higher quality smock I feel a lot happier with my impression now.
  4. Been working on my feldwebel 2/Pz.Gren.Rgt.125 for the winter of 44-45 mainly operation wacht em Rhine and Nordwind. Decided to give my a-frame another go set up with zeltbahn and blanket instead of my pack. Hope you guys like it and I've got my winter 44 wacht em Rhine windhund impression to photograph next.
  5. Finally decided to photograph my feldwebel Pz.Gren.Rgt.125 kit for winter 44. So this is for the period of operation wacht em Rhine and operation Nordwind under the command of Hans Von Luck. If only I had snow instead of bleak cold rain and mud lol. Hope you guys like it.
  6. Some fun images I did in my kit this evening, hope you enjoy as much as I did being a big kid playing pretend soldiers 🤣 Unterscharführer Zimmermann signals to his section to hold position while he checks the next set of hedgerows with his dienglas for enemy movement. When the time is right he signals them to move up quickly to capitalise on the situation.
  7. If you get the tnt upgraded s&t k98k it's a very competitive platform compared to say an ssg 10 and guys in my group use them as such when at 500 FPS. Having tried both side by side I feel the k98k has the edge but lacks any real scope options but if your eyesight is good you will be fine with lower powered optics anyway. Even the lower base s&t is pretty damn good and is great for WWII events especially as you can use it with no minimum engagement distance and your not fighting for one of 4 sniper slots for the entire weekend. The g&g gas k98k is far from competitive though and in my opinion really not worth buying. Its passable for WWII events but skirmish play its lacking to much. When the s&t no.4 drops I'm going to be all over that for my Brit para nco kit!
  8. Yeah braces are a must for pretty much any WWII kit. Personally I use retro looking braces as braces weren't issued and were only ever made at a regimental or company level with the Germans so you see a huge mix and not a uniform mix of braces in use especially late war 43-45. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303173363949 It's awesome seeing more WWII kits being posted up too. Keep it up everyone 😁
  9. Decided to do an aged photo to try and look more like a reference photo. Hopefully it's worked.
  10. Decided to try and make my kit photo look like it was taken in 1940's. Hopefully that's come across in find edit 🙂
  11. I'll have to do some more hunting or I may just convert a AGM sten into a Mk5 to be honest. Been working on my unterscharführer 4/Pz.Gren.Rgt.19 kit for Normandy and Arnhem. Just need to buy a wool tunic for the kit now. Love how effective erbsenmuster is especially with a mosquito net on you can pretty much vanish most times of the year anywhere in the UK.
  12. Wait the Mk5 is out?!? 😮 Hmmm I may have to go hunt one down but I'll look more into their performance if that's the case.
  13. Personally I would wait for the s&t Lee Enfield over the g&g any day of the year. All the g&g WWII guns other than the mg42 have all been a bit lack luster and mostly a bit useless so far from my experience. For example, the k98k is kind of crap especially compared to the s&t k98k. The ICS garand is far better than the g&g garand ect. When it comes to the AGM sten, it's really not that hard to work on just like the mp40. The only real proprietary parts are the gearbox shell and the first thing you do to them is hop mod them so that's the only other main proprietary part that gets removed anyway. If you want the king of all stens then the northeast sten is shaping up to be an amazing gbbr with some of the best externals I've seen but I've not handled one as they are pre launch still. Previews seem very promising though and I might get one for my British para kit at Arnhem too. Currently working on a 9th SS kit so I can do both sides when the event happens hopefully next year but everything from this year might push that back For the British kit have a look on soldier of fortune in the reenactment section and that should give you an idea but honestly your best off joining some of the Facebook reenactment sales groups and buying kit there.
  14. Yeah it also depends on your hight and waist too with them as if you've got a small waist and are tall they often don't fit so you have to tie them around your ankle like some of the guys in my group. Have you got any braces for your trousers yet as they are a game changer for keeping your trousers in the right place as they sit much higher than normal modern trousers (almost to your belly button). Do you still want a photo or are you ok? I can dig my trousers out for you if you like.
  15. If your interested in WWII events definitely look at the most common factions for events as you are in squads according to your kit. So Heer grenadier/panzergrenadier, Luftwaffe field division/fallschirmjäger and SS or say British para, US airborne or US infantry ect. There is a movement to try and get more Soviet WWII players though as there's a big call for ost front events these days. It's well worth looking into at first just doing a basic kit and officer's kits are always reserved for game organisers as they are the ones briefing you so makes sense they use those kits. We do also have a lot of bolt action rifle a these days thanks to s&t/snow wolf making very useable and accessible k98k's and are working on a no.4 if I remember correctly for British kit which will be awesome! Definitely going to want one of those for my WIP Brit para kit. K98K vsr conversions are totally doable with a real stock and a few external parts as they can go into a lot of the real parts as a few of my guys use them. Does mean you need to cast some of the parts though to make it work. Fair enough dude, I'll get you some photos in a bit that should show you how they go. Basically the big bit goes under your foot and the two tails go into the little trouser holes the other side and you tie them off.
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