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Tactical Pith Helmet

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Tactical Pith Helmet last won the day on May 26

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  • Guns
    M4s, AKs, L85, 1911, 870, G3, G18C, Skorpion, M14, Sten, RPK, cut down M79, MK 23, SVD
  • Loadouts
    1990s Bundeswehr , 1960s Nationale Volksarmee, 82 Pattern DPM, PAVN, Belgian SF, VC, Chechen Era
  • Sites
    Decent sites anywhere.
  • Location
    Base of Extinct Volcano

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  1. I was about to pop a case of cloudy cider into my trolley this evening.  I thought I'd treat myself for Crimbo.  I then remembered the weight adding properties of the stuff, and that any added belly fat would mean that my winter Russian loadout would be too tight.  


    Can't decide whether I should be proud of the self control, or saddened by the reach of my obsession with running about with toy pews at my bloody age...


    Enjoying an isotonic sports scotch in consolation.  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      After todays shenanigans I caved in. 


      Two pints in, and definitely  avoiding E-Bays various rus kit sellers for the rest of the evening.



    3. Shamal


      Well underneath our tree sits a box 📦 about the size of an old gallon petrol can.

      It say fragile,glass. When shaken its obviously liquid.

      Upon further investigation 🔎 I have seen a label underneath which says in very small letters 'Bristol cider company'. Aha! A clue 🤔

      I don't think she would get me a gallon of petrol,not a todays prices so putting two and two together I'm pretty sure it's cider. However, with it being from Bristol which I believe is the home of west country cider,its gonna be strong and possibly still cider. 

      I'm a fizzy cider type of animal. 


      So I'm either gonna hate it,which won't be well recieved, or I'm gonna love it and get smashed off my head 🙃 which also won't be well recieved.


      Damed if I do and damed if I don't 😅😅


      Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 

    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      That stuff goes off in a couple of hours once opened.  If it's a flagon you'll have to drink the lot in one sitting.  


      Tell everyone that it would be damned ungrateful to let it spoil...   😉

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