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  • Guns
    Glock G18C AEP, H&K G36C AEG
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  • Location
    East Mids

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  1. I do love me some Russian military gear... Looks awesome, dude!
  2. My budget load out. Couple of fleabay specials, little bit of military surplus and some two-tone weapons. All in for about £500.... Probably should have pulled my trousers up before taking the pic.... Oh well...
  3. It's just a military surplus vest, they're fairly cheap. Got mine from eBay, it's grade 1 but no noticeable marks or damage.
  4. Dude, the wood looks tippy top!
  5. Lube up my front and power slide across the field!!
  6. The ad said they run a little small so I bought "slightly" bigger than usual... What I received was enough material to house 13 Syrian refugees!
  7. Just tried on the olive drab combat trousers I received this morning... Pretty sure I could fit my entire body into one of the legs.... I hate buying clothes online.
  8. My first AEG arrived today. H&K G36C. Licenced by Umarex & built by Ares I think... Not actually sure. Pretty basic, budget model gun but will do for a starter I guess. Please no bully...
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