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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS CXP08,
    G&G M4
    JG BAR10
    TM VSR10
    TM DEagle
    WE TRex
    WE HK45
    Sh*tty no name beretta M9
  • Loadouts
    Mix of DPM,MTP,ACU and Superflage
    Deer Stalker Ghillie and custom hear gear
  • Sites
    Absolute, Maidenhead and Reading
    The Mall,Reading
    Wasteland Airsoft, West Drayton
  • Gender
  • Location
    Iver, South bucks

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  1. With a 430 barrel you should be easily able to achieve 2.2 J with a RAPAX 2J spring. I have this with the light WASP piston. The piston head is the cup type, so I think quite quiet even with stock head. Also the stock was filled with foam and barrel spacers fitted. I might put in the long brake to decrease the sound but this comes with 30fps loss.
  2. After a long hiatus from the world of airsoft I've made a bit of a return! This time I've ventured into the world of sniping. Quickly bought 2 BASRs one each for my son and I, got a hardly used JG BAR10 and a B.N TM VSR10. The JG was running close to hot just under 500fps on 0.2g but the trigger quickly failed before I even got to use it due to not being able to handle the spring. 😲 The VSR10 I'll keep OEM for now until I can figure whats worth spending on, but at less than 1J its actually really nice to cycle! The BAR10 internals got binned so thought I give it a go and rebuild it top down Mods Sniper Mechanics WASP piston RAPAX easy pull 2J spring TTI TDC Hop chamber TTI 6.03 430mm steel barrel ML 70 /SM Flamingo/Modify X range bucking ML Omega nub ML 90 trigger Test Results For anyone that it interest please see my results. All readings were taken with 12 shots, lowest and highest being discounted. Done a lot of testing with a weighted pistons and air brakes and settled on a light piston with no air brake running using 0.45g. This runs at a sweet 323fps/2.2js I will run in for a bit as its running quite close to the limit so might need to install brakes at some point. Not been able to test max effective range but getting groups to around 90mm(V) X 85mm(H) at 30yards removing 1 flyer in each plane - is this any good, it was outdoors with a slight wind? LOL used to having a PCP air rifle and at this range you would expect 1 hole! Note this is on 0.3gs don't feel flush enough yet to test on the 0.45gs Hot OEM BAR10! Goodies!
  3. Great seller, highly recommended!

  4. Went to see a dude for some motorcycle parts, clocked a load of MTP gear, oakley gloves, Lowa Dessert boots etc in his garage, ask you into Air-soft? response was nah mate Im in the forces, this estate is all MOD - felt like a right wannabe

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Which I why I say to play airsoft not pretend soldiers.

      One is a fun friendly social game the other is delusional.

      You must have been praying for a really big hole to open up.

    2. TheFull9


      If it's MTP, Lowa desert boots and Oakley gloves stored in a garage.. gonna be military. Airsofters mostly keep their kit in the house proper,forces relegate issue stuff to the garage/shed/loft.

    3. slick


      LOL true dat!,


      All my airsoft gear is all nicely set out and hung on a dedicated clothes rack in my 'man' room. Guns shortly to be mounted on a peg board!


      He was a good bloke actually not only is he in the army but also races 1000cc bike for them! Talked about his issued gear and how his Oprey MK4 saved his life as a IED sent him flying across a road.

      He made me feel slightly embarrassed about my choice of weapon though, all my British Army load...

  5. Bit of a mix match at the moment, MTP trousers, ACU molle vest, DPM hat, Superflage jacket and mask. ICS M4 with beretta side arm
  6. Deffo on safe. WRT to spring, bit of a noob ( so not sure about others) but my ICS has a neat spring release button, apparently relieves the tension.
  7. Exactly this..... I was there at Absolute, it was a horrible thing to witness, I will be taking zero chances, the only way someone will be hurt with my gun is when I chuck it at them.
  8. not as much as kneeling on a BB!.
  9. some of the pictures on facebook have a lack of eyewear, - lets hope that's was just for the camera
  10. Doh need to be more specific its in West Drayon miuntes off the m4/m25 junction
  11. just found one down the road from me https://www.facebook.com/WastelandAirsoftUK/ http://uniformbravosurplus.co.uk/wasteland-airsoft-3-w.asp feck £5 evening walk on on the 31st!!! EDIT This is in West Drayton!
  12. Booked into the mall Thursday week. After being there at Maidenhead decided to do another skirmish but somewhere else. The min age is still 13 though. I'm guessing all sites will be uber addtionally hot on safety
  13. don't need to register for todays skirmish until zero nine hundred been awake since the proverbial crack.... dunno how many times you can check battery voltages. Now decided to mount my cam on the RIS, hopefully get some good footage
  14. Hello fellow Skirmishers!. New player from Iver,Bucks. Normally do paintball or Laser(Warfighters) but recently converted to Airsoft. Done a few skirmishes with Absolute Airsoft, (nearly got Ukara) but also want to do the Mall in Reading, Falcon Ops in Aldershot and Badlands Airsoft. Got an ICS CXP 08, m100, mosfet and reddot and gas 1911 side arm, plastic fantastic but really just for show!, will get a gbb desert eagle or maybe a glock full auto went I get Ukara. if anyone is at absolute maidenhead on 20th march, see you there
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