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Everything posted by Bencupra

  1. Check out Bush Valley site in Maidstone great site and great people. Not too far from Ramsgate either and they do kit hire.
  2. Bencupra


    Ordered some BB Barstewards bbs from them yesterday received this morning excellent service from them.
  3. I'm awaiting Mr UPS man I was tempted to sit on the doorstep but it's a bit nippy lol. The BB Bastard bbs I ordered yesterday from Airlab arrived this morning excellent service from them and Milspec.
  4. The girl done good then mate. She said you gave her a list lol.
  5. I used mesh on Sunday and hated it couldn't see a thing like walking round with a collinder on you're face lol.
  6. Just waiting for my GHK M4 but will also get a Tippman at some point.
  7. Just ordered some bio 0.28 as that's all they had. Cheers mate
  8. Will be doing CQB at some point but not for a few months so will be woodland for now. I'll have a look on there cheers mate.
  9. Damn what do I do lol. What's next best to BB Bastards?
  10. Cool cheers mate patrol Base said they won't get stocking anymore as they put the price up. He recommended g&g but heard good and bad about them.
  11. Any other good ones mate? Patrol Base have only got 0.28 and 0.36 in angry bastards
  12. Oh are there not that good then? They had them on their website do thought they would be OK. I've got some blaster 0.25 indoors. I'll order some different ones then lol.
  13. But when you report an extremist website you get an email back saying it doesn't breach their rules. Idiots get real.
  14. Ordered the following yesterday. Ghk M4 12.5 3 x M4 mags didn't have any G5s in stock but will get some. Adjustable nozzle Maintenance gas Green Gas Neuprol BBC Sling Still lots to buy including kit lol.
  15. I'm in London but mum and dad have got a house in Kings Hill. Check out Bush Valley in Maidstone mate great site and people.
  16. Recommend checking out Bush Valley in Maidstone mate awesome site and great bunch of guys and girls. Need to play 3 games at an approved site before you can complete a form and go on the register.
  17. Welcome back mate I'm just starting up again aswell.
  18. Watched the vids on YouTube looks cool. My annual leave starts in April so will be able to do events further out and get a hotel.
  19. I'll definitely be doing some of them then. Might have to invest in some night vision at some point lol. Should have my m4 by end of March.
  20. Sounds good I'll definitely have to have a trip down there once I've got mine.
  21. Wheres the mall do they do it throughout the year?
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