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Everything posted by Bencupra

  1. I've got a ghk m4 and love it. I'm going to get the heavy buffer and spring which is meant to be one of the best things you can do. Skirmished it first time last Sunday and it was awesome. Didn't have any 0.20s when I put it on chrono so used 0.28s and it was 284. I've got the adjustable nozzle in now so I can easily adjust. Will order some 0.20s when I order my gas week after next.
  2. Cool cheers mate I'll message you about guns soon got some bits to get for my M4 first.
  3. Anyone used them before? Everyone raves about them in the us. I'm using BB Bastards at the moment but green devil's are more available in different weights.
  4. There's quite a few of us going and camping so will be a laugh I can slum it for a few days for a laugh plus will be lots to buy which is a bonus lol. Everyone who went last year said it was awesome and it is what you make it so it's all good.
  5. Lol it means a nomadic bear basically a bear that has no home that's us lol. You coming in August?
  6. It's the 26th 27th and 28th August in Ringwood Dorset.
  7. Booking is open now if anyone's going. I've just booked with my team Ursas Vaga Ops looking forward to it.
  8. I'm a tart I like having good stuff lol. Just booked the airsoft festival for August so want to get a TM 417 for that lol.
  9. Yeah I kmow what you're saying mate can't exactly strap it to you're back lol.
  10. I knew about the adapter mate watched the vids on you tube. Been speaking to friends in the us and they said you need the long m203 to fit the adapter. I'd like the launcher with the rotating barrels they look awesome but when you think you need about 6 adapters at £50 each plus the launcher it soon starts mounting up so I'll get a long m203 for now lol.
  11. My list of guns I want/need grows every few days lol.
  12. If something is cheaper and works well that's fine but what I'm saying is I don't mind paying for good accessories I'm a bit of a tart I know. Always been like it lol.
  13. Lol Well it will do until I bite the bullet and buy proper NVG lol. Also I can't put cheap things on my guns they have to have the best bits lol.
  14. Just think it will be useful and will dazzle the enemy will also be useful for night events and to stop people's advantage of night vision lol.
  15. I need to get a torch to fit to my rail system would like one with strobe and pressure switch anyone got any recommendations?
  16. I agree Wolf armouries definetly at the bottom not very helpful or friendly. Platoon stores in Rochester were great when I went there on Saturday.
  17. I just like the realistic look and feel we can't have actual firearms in the UK so I like to have as close as possible. My ghk m4 is meant to be pretty close to a real M4 so I'd like pistol to be the same. I think I'm going to go the TM route and get a metal body for it.
  18. Great write up mate and glad you enjoyed it. Once the bug bites that's it. Hopefully meet you on the field at some point.
  19. Lol Cheers bro there's no for sale section so we might be alright lol.
  20. We have just started up a team made up of players from my local site Bush Valley in Maidstone. We are called Ursas Vega Operators which basically means a nomadic bear that has no home. We will be travelling around playing at other sites. We are a fun friendly bunch with a passion for the sport. If you spot our badges come and say hi. Our Facebook page is now live there will obviously be more content pictures and videos updated as and when we have played. Our first proper team day will be 10th April so hopefully see some of you there. Please check out our Facebook page here and come and say hello. https://www.facebook.com/groups/580422118777598/ We also have an introduction vid that you might like to see. Here's the link.
  21. Yeah im not keen on those blinged up race guns lol.
  22. I've used search and couldn't find what I was looking for. I need a pistol as a side arm it's got to be full metal as I'm a fan of realism. I like modern 1911s with a rail system or Beretta also with a rail. I know TM are meant to be the best but they are not metal. WE Are meant to be pretty good. Not worried about price for a good gun. Any recommendations that fit what I'm after? Thanks in advance
  23. I want a 416 aeg at some point that's about another £450 for just the gun lol.
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