I cant recommend these things enough... they are simply the single best thing you can buy for overall training and conditioning.
Plenty of workouts on YouTube to follow that you can tailor to your time/fitness levels. Its a High Intensity Interval Training session that you can fit in during your normal day. They take up hardly any room and i believe the prices for home gym equipment are coming down now the delivery pandemic shizzle is .... well a bit better.
The good thing about these is you do this at home. There's no need to travel anywhere, you don't need to spend a fortune on gear or clothing, your not spending hours outside in all weathers....
Its just you, the bell, some space and some time.
I'd recommend the cast iron type ones as their physical size is smaller for the same weight as the nylon ones are filled with concrete and can be massive in size.
Aim for a 12kg one to start with. My 1st one was a 7.5kg and its was too light and ineffective. I have a 12kg + 20kg plus some home gym equipment. The main movement with KB's is the standard swing, which is mainly leg based and your legs are a lots stronger than you think!
You will sweat, a lot, so have a towel and water to hand and sip between each set.