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Tommikka last won the day on June 12

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  1. The jury of 12 dates back to Henry 2 So the basis of the phrase may even be as far back as the 1200s, though documented later Those original juries acted differently, gathering the facts in Henry’s time as opposed to listening and evaluating as per today
  2. I have marshalled to a degree. I wouldn’t fancy being a site marshal - dealing with the weekends players who might be regulars, might be a one off etc A good marshal can make a game, when it’s a marshal running a rental game it works well to have one on each side who knows how to motivate different types of players in different types of games, putting in a bit of competitiveness up against their opposing marshal I do like to run an experience, and to run an event. Putting players through their paces. The core events that we have run were born in the era of events run by players for players. I went to other peoples events, aspiring to do the same, and ‘knowing’ what I/we could do better. The scary moment was the day before our first event once the site owner had relented to give us his site for the day and all the other teams supported us and booked in. We ran our first games in collaboration, and prefer to do that. True marshalling conducted by site staff, and ‘game management’ marshalling by us. A marshals role is to do 3 things 1) Keep everyone safe 2) Deal with an emergency 3) Ensure players have a good experience Checking for hits is somewhere in there 1) Has to happen all of the time 2) Has to happen when needed, ideally minimised by (1) 3) Should appear to be the active thing being done For our collaborative events site marshals ought to be focused on 1 & 2 and our game marshals doing 3 whilst having an eye on 1 & 2 We would direct missions, depending on event take part as characters, and make the game/rule decisions Site marshals giving a safety overwatch, calling out a hit that’s not been taken, look out for players not behaving Though a marshal shouldn’t be in the way, and shouldn’t be standing in hi vis staring at a ghillie sniper in a bush, they should be ready to walk straight into the line of fire to pull someone out of a game or in a worst case scenario getting their body physically in the way whilst setting the alarm to stop play. Even with just occasional marshalling / running it can take away actually playing - partially in a good way when having more fun watching people try and play the mission you came up with (and how they interpret it) but also at risk of taking away the fun of getting out and shooting people You could find that you thrive in marshalling, it gets you in the game, as close to the action as you like and you don’t have to keep walking out to respawn on elimination
  3. Ensuring it’s clean before covering wouldn’t hurt, but if using a wrap tape such as CamoForm, cohesive bandage types of tape there is no need to do any special preparation as opposed to degreasing etc before using a stick on type of tape. The camo tape that @Cannonfodderlinked to is a self clinging cohesive tape - there’s nothing sticky involved CamoForm etc comes in an assortment of camouflage patterns, VetWrap comes in a wide range of plain colours, patterns, camouflage patterns etc
  4. They were (based on the face level of reporting*) acting in a manner that members of this forum and responsible airsofters would not endorse. They were a bit naughty, brought attention to themselves and got caught. * the area does have some ‘green’, I’ll be more sympathetic if in their minds they went somewhere out of the way, had a few test/practice shots in a bush and ended up in trouble As opposed to heading up the street and shooting a bush With their ages their should have been some form of common sense, but it’s not as common as we may wish
  5. I can confirm that those hanger hangers won’t bend
  6. Grid wall is a great multi use method. We use it in many ways trading at Comicons and festivals, shows etc When outside we zip tie grid wall to the gazebo frame, and when inside use a combination of ‘raw’ grid wall and grid wall with fitted feet, some on the floor, some clamped to tables. At events Enola have had grid walls ziptied together in fours forming a ‘tunnel’ / display table There’s an abundance of fittings with hooks, shelves, baskets etc As were mobile we don’t use the wall hooks in a wall mount as @Lozarthas, but we do have some fitted to the van which we don’t use for the grid wall but do use for hanging other things. Ours came as a job lot from a shop clearance and we’ve added some extra fittings The wall fittings don’t necessarily have to support the weight, e.g. stand the grid wall on the floor and fit the hooks on the wall at the right heights. Another option I’ve seen is to use custom overhaning ‘hooks’ over a door/‘wall’ and hang the grid from that …… For my gear/equipment needs it’s a matter of storage / logistics boxes. Some is sorted by type of event, some by item. Eg I have a box full of pistols, a box of melee weapons for one of our event types, a box full of marshaling (hi-vis, whistles etc). But I may also just unload the car and end up with a box of ‘last event I went to’
  7. UKARA as a scheme is based on site membership. It depends on the site membership policy, but in effect once three games are recorded in the appropriate timeframe you become a member or your membership is forwarded to UKARA If they have the records of your previous games then that can be used to establish your membership
  8. Peasant That’s a hunting horn, not a bugle
  9. Stating the obvious as you already know this, but just reinforcing your statement ….. There’s no such thing as pedantic on a form once it arrives in court. It’s either stated on the form or it isn’t Side remark …. The first time we ran an Airsoft game as players were being herded back to the safe zone I was sat on a table at the entrance/exit waiting to head out and reset / lay out props for the next objective. The Airsoft marshals were calling out the instructions to make safe before entering the safe zone etc So players were doing the right thing, magazine out, fire off anything left in the chamber etc But then seeing me sat there as the first handful pass me holding up for inspection etc I particularly liked those who after discharging and clearing in front of an Airsoft marshall then paused to queue up to one by one give the paintball events organiser a clear confirmation that they have a safe RIF
  10. Compare your form to the PDF in the first post of this thread For the questions on that form you would put: B RIF / parts = yes C RIF = no and RIf part = yes with your UKARA details inbetween Generally you would not need a defence for parts as it’s not a RIF, but the form could be used in the context of parts to modify an IF to RIF or for multiple imports of separate parts to ‘smuggle’ and manufacture a RIF
  11. No worries …. FilmSim has it covered, just ensure that scenario has an actual scenario complete with some embedded NPC role play marshals and market your ‘immersive theatrical experience’ I’ve even just come up with a bare bones overview that could be marketed for anyone from the experienced to the one off amateur taster, with a low(er) budget homage to Bill Murray, I’m provisionally calling it “The man who knew even less” This will work best in those non standard urban environments, and even better we don’t need to wait for disused shopping centres. Make it a full immersive experience so that customers never really know who is an NPC, a player or just random public what could go wrong?
  12. It is, and the last amendment for that section is 2009 It’s a 15 to 20 year old section, which has had the predicted legislation put into place (subject to consultation and review) If they were to pursue further controls as detailed they would still be subject to the legislative process (though the skirmisher defence isn’t core legislation and can be subject to the strike of a pen) there remains the matter of getting through the majorities required to raise legislation, including every MP that gets petitioned by their constituents - especially businesses/employers in their constituency. Tag on the preservation argument from sites and land owners about use of the forests of the UK generating a level of income to the owning farmer from the site and the associated rates & taxes going into the treasury It is of course a potential risk, but one that can be managed
  13. That is an extract from a brief dated in 2004, which relates to what subsequently went into consultation and ended up with the VCRA legislation (covering the quoted film & theatrical uses and clear IF definition) and the additional statutory instrument which resulted in the Skirmisher defence https://www.greenparty.org.uk/files/reports/2004/Gun control.htm As others have posted airsoft (and other recreational gun like activities) aren’t really on the politicians radars. Scotlands politics is a very different beast with a long tradition in politicians targeting ‘guns’ Back in the day when paintball arrived in the UK the nearest legislation was for low powered air weapons, but paintball ran on CO2 (and still does for some) The difference between CO2 and air was ignored for the majority of the UK but not for Scotland. In England paintball (on legal & safe commercial sites) was ignored, but in Scotland paintball sites were regularly raided and prosecuted for firearms offences. Ultimately CO2 was added to the law on air weapons In recent years the ‘air weapon certificate’ was introduced, and though the specific legislation wording could be interpreted differently an ‘intent’ was shown that airsoft and paintball would not be air weapons under that legislation (Airsoft has also had explicit amendments to firearms legislation excluding compliant airsoft guns from being firearms / air weapons - paintball has no such exclusion but Home Office guidelines set paintball aside provided other projectiles are not used) Don’t be a dick, keep showing ourselves as ‘responsible voices’ on the forums etc and don’t act in a knee jerk manner in anticipation of a knee jerk action
  14. This announcement has 30,000 military placements for 18 year olds in 2025, but the ONS statistics have 1,577,000 16-17 year olds Under 2% would be able to fit into military national service, and the remaining over one and a half million would have 25 days of ‘community service’ What’s the military placement? 25 days as well? Doing a course ? Great - make people do something for a month to supposedly learn life skills and social values that the community and education hasn’t over almost two decades https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpddxy9r4mdo.amp https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/timeseries/jn5p/lms
  15. Legally the importer is held liable for what is crossing inwards through a border. There may be no comeback on the retailer unless the buyer highlighted the requirement for UK legal specifications or the overseas retailer advertised the availability of UK specifications Many things could happen: The package sits for a while then processes through An import VAT charge is raised against the importer, plus handling charges A RIF declaration & Defence are requested The power is checked / identified Failure to pass the processes can result in destruction or return If very lucky it comes through If slightly lucky it is rejected but returned, and you get refunded - a restocking charge may occur
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