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  • Guns
    GHK URGI, GHK CSOR C8 CQB, GHK Colt Canada LSW, E&L AK 74 101, KCO2
  • Loadouts
    J-Tac, R-For SF, Umbrella Corporation, Red Coat Regulars
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    Mill (Wigan), Anzio
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  1. Real? or clone? Looks good either way
  2. I have considered running training plates as a sort of fitness thing, just never got round to getting them yet.
  3. Mate, this is what i have done. Thrown out my jefftron v2 processors and getting a titan just make sure you get the correct one, basic or advanced as they are both different, and you can only upgrade the basic to the advanced functions by buying the software update.
  4. Oh dear, motors will do that if the wiring is not compacted enough. Or if you decide to use thick insulation 14awg wire....
  5. Your going through my hell first you buy the belt, then you realize you no longer like the pouches you had!! so you convince yourself to get esstacs, on a side note the triple mag with gap fits the belt perfectly with malice, even tho it says it isnt compatible with molle
  6. As promised Propper beauty and light weight due to the ally slide also very snappy when firing with either greengass or Co2
  7. I will get some later for you after work It is a beut with all the trades and CNC ally slide
  8. Just picked up, and used last saturday the new Umarex/VFC/Stark Glock 17 Delux Co2, the thing is an absolute beauty and a real beast to shoot. The mags are also really gas efficient getting nearly 4 mag reloads out of a single co2 bulb I would highly recommend them
  9. KWC P08 (luger) with 2 extra mags......Soooo Sexy
  10. Hoping to get out and about soon. But on crutches after tearing my meniscus in the left knee. I have too much time on hands atm. So its onto cyma m4 now. Cheers Alex
  11. Fired scar up this morning and shoots like a dream. Looks like i was flapping for nothing. How do you know if its shimmed and greased correctly? Is there a optimum sound i should be hearing? It has a pleasant wurring sound atm. But i dont know if this is the correct one. Cheers Alex
  12. Thats very reasuring, cheers on my other gun (the cheep CYMA keymod that you have) the sector gear only have a small pin so i have never seen a tappet plate getting stuck back before... was freaking me out as its the first time i have done my own tech stuff. I took my cyma to a tech and he messed it up so badly that i have taken to doing it all my self, its still in pieces as i broke the moto connector on the wiring and keep forgetting to pick one up. Will putt it fully back together tonight and put some rounds through it. Didint want to put it back together only to take it appart... scars are awful on the selector switches!! Many thanks Alex
  13. Hi all I have just stripped, cleaned, re shimmed and re-assembled the V2 gearbox for my WE scar. However when i have put it back together and test fired it the tappet plate stays retracted and comes forward when fired only to retract again. When i put it together the plate is fully extended and can be pushed back and forward on its spring and runs along the tracks correctly ( i checked with a torch). The only thing i can think of is the sector gear has quite a large molded chip on it not just the usual round peg, more like a crescent. Could this be causing the tappet to be pulled back most of the time as it is so large? Or have i missed something important when putting it back together? Also the piston doesn't reset to its original position at the front but stops at different stages of its run ( if you get what i mean). Is this caused my over-spin on the gears? Many thanks Alex Edit: the sector gear's crescent looks like this one: https://www.airsoftworld.net/shs-tokyo-marui-next-generation-recoil-hardened-steel-gear-set.html
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