Just spotted this thread at a rather timely moment, as I’m currently pondering a battle belt.
I currently run either a Platatac Peackeeper or Arktis chest rig, and sidearm just on my trouser belt. The chest rigs are great but at the last few games I played I could have done with just a battle belt.
In the past I’ve used a Blackhawk Molle belt with Esstac Kywi’s and various other pouches, but the Blackhawk belt isn’t the most comfortable and shifts around a lot due to the lack of an ‘inner’ belt like you see on a lot of modern shooters belts, especially once you’ve added a couple of magazines onto it.
I’ve stumbled across the Light Ops Belts from Dragon Supplies, and apart for being in MTP they look pretty spot on. The pouches are stitched to the outer belt, but would allow me to carry 3 primary magazines, 3 secondary magazines and a couple of small utility pouches for anything else.
Currently got some Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket, so I’ll let you know how I get on!