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Iceni last won the day on June 5 2022

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  • Guns
    LCT G3 olive, ASG AUG A3, APS AUG A1, G&G GR 300, Cyma AKM.
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    DPM, Flecktarn 1990's.
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    The Grange, Fireball.

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  1. Lonex hop unit, No idea about them. The stock plastic units are fine. Maple leaf hop rubber - I can't comment on that either. We have 350fps and cold weather here in the UK. So soft 50deg rubbers are generally more our thing. I'd run the stock rubber and hop unit till it breaks. https://www.evike.com/products/31081/ ASG mags - No issues there. You can get the MAG 170rnd ones from Evike. There my absolute favourite AUG mag. Good capacity, no winding, no rattle. If you can afford it then I would always recommend those mags. Equally the King Arms and ASG 110rnd mags are good options as well if you hate rattle. https://www.evike.com/products/31490/ Matrix spring - no idea, It's not a branding we see over here. Madbull Python 6.03 - Avoid Avoid Avoid. The barrel is too wide for an AUG's inner sleeve and will bind up causing all sorts of issues. The ZCI ones are spot on if you can find them. All of my AUGs use them. The other brands I have no idea about as the ZCI's have always been on point. https://www.evike.com/products/11878/ ASG AUG - It's an ASG sportline by the looks. Identical to the JG but with the added trades. Metal bushing, Basic motor, QC spring. Absolutely solid as a basic gun or upgrade gun. The JG may or may not have a QC spring depending on how old the stock is. With the ASG one having it in the description I would go that way. I wouldn't upgrade anything for the first few games on it. Get a feel for it first and work out what you need to do. If you go with the big batteries I've linked lower down be aware that the inline fuse may have difficulties as you can see a lot of current draw. So It may be worth adding some bigger fuses to the order. Or have a plan to bypass the fuse if it starts to glow. I'd run it on a 7.4v big lipo. 2200mAh. I Know I can fit a battery 103.6 x 34 x 15.5mm into mine no trouble. 101.1 x 35.5 x 16.1mm also fit and work. You may have to modify the bottom of the gearbox plate to remove a plastic part that sticks out (2 mins with a dremel). I would also convert to deans as mini tamiya connectors are crap. I'll link a battery that will work, but 20/40c is pretty low for these. Giant power over here do a 35/70c 5c charge model that is my preferred battery. If you are wanting 11.1v then you need to speak to someone else as I don't own any - It may also be worth talking to your local gamers as you may need 11.1v for your power levels. https://www.evike.com/products/47743/ Motor is not something I can't advise on. Nor gears, As you run different power levels, So what I know won't translate to what you need. For UK power levels 350 fps, I tend to find AUG's will run hot on standard spring configurations if you get the seals right. I think mine are running cut M110's but it's been a while since I had them open.
  2. There's a 150KW charger location a couple of miles away at the Esso on Hinkley road. I think it's like 3.6 miles from the range with an Asda, Tesco, McDonalds, And a huge Home Bargains within walking distance (the Home Bargains used to be a toysrus and it's insane). Charger is located at CV2 2QN by the Esso garage. It's a good location to jump on the A46 to bypass Coventry traffic as well. There's also a HFT/FT circuit at the Greyhound. With the shots running into the woods and about 80 in woods targets setup. Some of the ones deeper on the course are a good 65+ yards. Just be aware you can not cross the lines and go onto the target side. The owner will talk you through anything you need to know, including the whistles and what they mean. If in doubt just ask, and if you want a target setting up deep then they will probably help... They also have a drawer full of paper targets and some holders. I will warn you tho, You'll be wanting an air rifle after a couple of visits!
  3. Greyhound in north Coventry. You'll need ID for your first shoot. It's an air rifle range, Targets to 50 yards. Ask them on arrival about airsoft stuff. I've taken my stuff in a few times and they have had no issue with it. I think it's £7 to shoot all day, and there's a decent pub next door for lunch/toilets. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Greyhound Gun Club/223205251025733/
  4. Both of my current augs are ABS, I have never seen a nylon variant. Never had a flimsy feeling aug body tho. The AEG variants feel less dense, but they don't generally have a flimsy feeling. ABS is far more impact resistant than nylon, and doesn't scuff and scratch as easily. It's also far easier to injection mould with ABS as it's not a material that is prone to absorbing water, unlike nylon. And ABS also suffers less casting warping. As such I don't think you will ever see a nylon AUG. If you are looking on a budget the olive snow wolf/JG models are about as close to a mil spec variant as you will see. https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/Snow-Wolf-AEG-Aug-Olive https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/Snow-Wolf-AEG-Aug-M-Olive
  5. It makes no difference. The only gear that isn't balanced is the sector gear, but the sector gear is arrested and under load from the piston/spring and spur for 50% for the time. So you will see more load wobble from that than you will from gear imbalance. SS 2 teeth and you can't even feel any speed wobble over the rest of the gearbox working. Bearings get crushed/fail because of the spring and the load that puts through the bearing, not because the gears are resonating. Basically slap yourself round the face.
  6. Cyma, They do AK's right. Scopes and stuff on the AK I know nothing about. I know there is a side mount that the gun I have linked to doesn't have. I'm not sure how much fettling you would need to do to make it all fit. https://www.tacticalairsoftshop.co.uk/CYMA-CM-031-AK74 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tactical-Scope-Mount-Picatinny-Weaver/dp/B07DL3HZ3H https://www.amazon.co.uk/ToopMount-Tactical-Mount-Tactical-Dovetail-Receiver/dp/B088K8RLKT/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_1/261-4196459-1089624?pd_rd_w=XW2X6&content-id=amzn1.sym.40f919ed-e530-4b1a-8d7e-39de6587208d&pf_rd_p=40f919ed-e530-4b1a-8d7e-39de6587208d&pf_rd_r=TAE785XAAKF214NEM3CS&pd_rd_wg=pMKC7&pd_rd_r=79f487c7-8f85-4e03-8a60-06bc0cafd6b3&pd_rd_i=B088K8RLKT&psc=1
  7. You can just cut that 3rd position into the safe bar
  8. It really is. It's the fact it's a standard metal V3 gearbox, just with plastic bushings. Those bushings aren't actually that bad. I've been spouting on about budget augs and the upgrade path you can take with them for a few years, and even now it's more than relevant. For a £110 base gun, with some decent upgrades. You can totally eclipse anything you can buy in box. And save money in the process. Externally ASG also have the trades so it's a win win IMO. Bearings (£10), Spring (£5), Motor HT (£30). This makes a good gun. (+£45) (£155 total budget) Additional optional upgrades - 13:1 gears s/s 2 teeth (£20), brass spring guide [not required if qc box] (£12), Silent head set POM [Element IN0810] (£15), Mosfet - whatever you want (£10 budget model), barrel (£25), Hop rubber (£10). This gives a beast mode AUG. (+£92). So the total could be £247 for an absolute monster. There simply isn't an aug on the market that comes close to those specs. It's like a full sweetshop spec, for less than a basic TM (£260-280).
  9. I've written quite a bit about AUG's. However I'm out of the loop so to speak. You can visually see the difference in 2 of the budget bodies. JG uses a smooth body all over, same as the TM and CA. APS/AA and a few others have raised textured areas on the stock and pistol grip. Of those 2 bodies there's very little difference in feeling, but the JG is slightly nicer feeling IMO. Neither body is any worse or better than the other. TM/CA and externally identical to the JG in all standard variants bar the HC. The HC is closer externally to the ASG commando, but I've seen that with both APS and JG style bodies. All uppers A1 A2 are identical across all manufacturers. A3/A4 variants are usually an A2 upper with a RIS kit, And are imo the only aug variant you should avoid as the balance is all whack with them. Some AUG's have a 3 position safety allowing a semi only position. You can modify a 2 position safety to be 3 position if wanted. I've shown the modification in other posts on here if you search. The internals is really what separates AUGS. JG are the best budget internals. They come with a better motor and gearbox internals. APS can and do have issues with the piston head having an injection point on the sealing face of the piston head that can eat the o-rings over time. The gears aren't as good as the stock JG ones, and the motor is weaker on the ones I've played with. It is a solid gearbox however and even stock with the dodgy piston head it is reliable. CA do the only AUG with a stock mosfet. JG are better value and a Mosfet can be installed on an AUG without even opening the gearbox. So the mosfet is only a selling point if you can't install one yourself. TM do the best running gearboxes, but the gears are soft and they don't take FPS increasing upgrades without also wanting the gears upgrading. Overall I'd say unless you want a HC out of the box, you are universally better off with a JG. ASG do a few variants in both APS and JG body's. Typically the value/discovery line is 0.8 joules and has plastic gearbox bushings, but the rest of the gun is standard internally. The sport line is 1 joule and may have slightly different internals but nothing significant. The proline sometimes comes with a mosfet, and should have bearings and a QC spring system, but these are model and age dependant upgrades, the mosfet is a very recent addition I haven't had one of these in my hands yet. Of the 3 if you are capable of upgrading, the value/discovery line is the way forwards. Bearings (£10) and a spring (£5) and your already over the sport line. I would also be very surprised if a value line didn't come with a QC spring system provided it's from new/new stock. Externally you may get either a JG or APS but I wouldn't be overly worried about that for the £110 price point. It's a far more budget friendly option than the others that only have minor gearbox improvements. https://bbgunsuk.co.uk/asg-aug-a2-styre-electric-airsoft-gun-in-black/ All models in all manufacturers come with the same hop unit. There will be some variation on internal barrels but not enough to swing a buying decision as the ZCI S/S barrel will out perform all stock barrels. Same with motors and after market HT motor is going to be better than anything stock bar the TM HC variants. So keep the base gun cheap as possible. As for your other worries, Creaking is a feature on an AUG. They all do it. As too is BB's getting lost in the body on mag changes. All uppers have some movement. These are the price of wanting to run an AUG, and you have to want to run one and live with the body issues otherwise get a M4 variant. The Hop unit and barrel should be free floating on the spring as this is a vital feature on the AUG it locks the body, tensions the gearbox, and aligns everything internally. You can not shim an AUG barrel it'll cause you a massive headache.
  10. I'm into my G3 over £1K with the scope and everything else that runs with it. The most I've done to really protect it is make a polycarbonate scope protector. There's absolutely no point buying the gun you really want, just to look at it. I mean a smartwatch is knocking on the door of £1K, so too are phones. You wouldn't stop yourself from having either just because you might damage it. Yes you might insure it. But it's not going to live in a case on a wall for it's life is it. Is a £150 gun comparable to something more expensive. That depends on you. My other favourite gun the Aug A1 was £80 when I got it. What I can tell you about both the G3 and the AUG is there both guns I wanted, and wanted to play with. If I got a gun with the intention of it staying pristine then that isn't a gun to play with. There are always cheaper options.
  11. Hiya, having done a search on the forum, you seem to be the AUG guru... :)

    I have just landed a boneyard TM AUG and after a tad of fiddling, is back up and running. Barring a couple of screws that hold the hop into the barrel unit, its all good. Unfortunately, the previous owner wasnt very kind and it appears the hop unit is broken just forward of the C clip. So, i'm on the look out for a hop unit....my question is.......any makes to avoid? By the looks of it, its a dedicated hop and doesnt share any other platforms. Or am i wrong on that? the G36 one looked similar but id rather buy one that was going straight in.

    Any help greatly appreciated as this is one of my bucket list RIF's (next is a FAL and then a FAMAS---i know, i'm weird...LOL!!).



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Iceni


      Aug's are defiantly one of the oddities of the airsoft world.

      Unlike other platforms like the m4 where the gearbox is locked in place and you reference everything to the gearbox, Augs have no reference or fixed points internally. It's more of a relationship.

      The only real fixed point is the back of the spacer on the back of the hop. It's that engagement that sets everything else up and it took me a while to work it all out.

      The hop position in the upper, Irrelevant. It just needs to move freely.
      Magwell plate, irrelevant. It'll self position to the mag, and line up to the hop automatically.
      Gearbox position, irrelevant. The hop will set the distance and put load onto the gearbox plate, I actually killed a magwell plate when I first got an AUG thinking shimming a gearbox would be a good idea, it's not. Let the hop spring do all that work.
      Even the tappet plate/airnozzle are largely irrelevant. You need just enough space to feed well, but if it's pushing too hard on the hop the tappet spring is weak enough that it seats correctly anyway. And doesn't push the gearbox off the hop.

      It's a weird gun to understand. But also very simple and very clever when you do understand it. It's by far my favourite internal design. You can set everything on the gearbox external to the body, even motor height. And the rest just works if you let it work. Most Augs i've looked at second hand that have issues all relate to the hop not moving correctly, and people going round in circles trying to fix a problem they created.

    3. Egon_247


      Hop fitted. High torque motor fitted. Sound deadening fitted. It's EVIL...😂

      Thank you for your guidance. I've printed it out and ingested every word.👍


    4. Iceni


      Glad it's all working out :D Have fun with it :D

  12. You can get PTFE impregnated silicone grease on ebay dirt cheap. Been using it for years. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/391399159157?hash=item5b21353575:g:fDUAAOSw6fBclQTY My favourite gear grease is moly. This is a nice cheap one that works well. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/391721324225?epid=1548017327&hash=item5b34690ec1:g:bj4AAOSwsnpe6QpA
  13. You can't search the database by name, I believe - But I may be wrong. I think the only search you can make is by number that leads to the information to confirm the Ukara status. I know when I've called to check my own status in the past I needed to provide my number, name alone wasn't enough, and my name is very unique with only a couple of hits worldwide. The general public also don't have access to the database, hence we need to contact a retailer to confirm status. As such an employer would need your Ukara number to actually make the search. Air rifles under 12ft/lb no licence is needed in the UK and no information needs to be exchanged for a sale for any party other than confirmation of age. Scotland is different and the laws that Wee Jimmy Krankie put in place are frankly insane. I feel for you guys on that one.
  14. The details been kept by Ukara are literally, Name, Address, Skirmish site, Ukara Status, Email. Given that this is a transaction where postage is needed you have already provided, Name, Address, Valid Ukara, potentially Email. So exactly the same information is passed on regardless. As you can only have a RIF shipped to your Ukara address. If it's shipped to another address, or name then it's outside of the scope of Ukara defence and should be flagged. Providing a Ukara number in order to make a sale, Is giving permission for that Ukara number to be checked. And the conversation should be wholly one sided if you need to contact a retailer to make that check. The conversation needs to go like I have X number to check, Mr X, of X address. And the answer only needs to be a confirmation of information. Ukara and the retailer do not provide information about the buyer, That information has already been provided by the buyer to the seller.
  15. There's actually a proper folding stock M4 variant. The LR300. It's been made by G&G as the GR300 some with magnesium bodies. (mines one of these). A&K made one as the LR300. And now Evolution have made one with full trades as the LR300. https://www.evolutioninternational.it/our-products/air-soft-guns/evolution-hard-core/evolution-hard-core-z-m-weapons/ Dboys have done the folding stocks in both wire and 5 position. But I'd be tempted to contact Evolution and see if stock spares are available and at what price.
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