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Everything posted by AJWest

  1. Dunno if this is the right place for this, but does anyone know of any physical shops that carry a decent stock of combat trousers from the likes of 5.11/ helikon tex? All the fancy pictures online never actually do the fit justice and I like to try them on beforehand to make sure they fit and look right/ presentable enough for work.

    • For sale
    • As new

    TMC brand MC tropic UBAC in size small. Never worn outside the house, very good condition. Can't remember the brand on the DCU set and it doesn't seem to say on either label. Seem to be a pretty good quality clone of crye sets. I will include a set of replica black crye kneepads as well if I can find them but they will come with the tan ones. The hiking trousers are craghoppers kiwi, elasticated 30" waist, very comfortable, regular leg just don't wear them anymore. Worn a few times but always stored clean and in very good condition. MC tropic - £15 DCU set - £30 Craghoppers - £15


    Bourne, Lincolnshire - GB


    • For sale
    • Used

    In pretty good nick but is used as can be seen by the label with a bit of wear and the officers number still written in. Lots of adjustment with the elastic at the back being as its one size fits all pretty much. I'm about a 32" chest and it fits me well cinched down where I've got it at the minute. Velcro panels for associated ISPL pouches and also has in built cable routing slots in between some panels.


    Bourne, Lincolnshire - GB

  4. Here's my daily driver, it's a bertucci A5-P with polycarbonate case, I love the simplicity of it because I can't stand watches with "busy" faces if that makes sense. The illumination is really bright which is good for when I'm on nights and I like the 4 o' clock bezel design as well, all in all for me it's perfect.
  5. Yeah I can see that but this is just from what's on the niton website so I just went from what they're selling them new as which is amazingly £39.95, I assume its because of all the "tactical" features, if someone wanted this specific shirt then its at least half price depending on if someone makes an offer as well
  6. Anyone know where I can get the rubber cover for my aimpoint m3 in this country? My Google full is failing me tonight

  7. Wish I could afford a mystery ranch pack, lucky git
  8. This is a group pic of a few recent purchases and some things that I bought a while ago and have nearly finished setting up, the IR patch and dummy plates come under just bought as well
  9. I know it's something small and silly but please sign/ share this if you "support" it, https://www.change.org/p/infinity-ward-call-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-remastered-sold-separately fed up of companies doing this crap, with games especially and then not listening to their customers - mini rant over (:

    1. Monty


      It won't happen

    2. AJWest


      I know but hey ho it's worth a shot

  10. Just got me some socom gear lancer l5 mags, hope to god they work because they look so darn good
  11. Just had a visit from my local sarge telling me my holster from america won't be coming because the NCA flagged it up and don't want me having, hope I can get a refund now then

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ak2m4


      You got a personal visit from your local sarge?

    3. AJWest


      I know spaz but I've never had a problem before so didn't expect all this, yeah we go back to when I was a cadet and I still talk to a lot of people from my force and I'm good friends with them

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Alright. Well, if you want me to pick one of whatever it was up just let me know

  12. FAB defence rail for my MP5 [hope it bloody fits] and a pantac 'protective accessory kit' in black
  13. Another safariland for my next purchase when payday comes round next week
  14. AC/DC's River plate show from 2009, got the DVD but luckily it's mostly on youtube, my favourite rendition of this song: and also can't stop listening to this, its just such a beautiful song when draiman sings it and in some ways better than the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7RVw3I8eg&list=RDBk7RVw3I8eg
  15. Out of all the april fools E-mails I've got from companies this is the one I wish was real the most :Phttp://www.military1st.co.uk/rainbow-plate-carrier.html?awt_l=L6Mzk&awt_m=3jywpnfS9mWpd5H

  16. Nah, when you're in the heat of the moment, especially indoors, sometimes charging round like a loon, you can just end up not noticing your surroundings and can really hurt yourself by running into something, there's a video around somewhere on YouTube of an airsoft game where the player is running through an outbuilding, runs right into a beam and is out nearly out cold for a good few seconds, quite an eye opening video, I wouldn't be without mine
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AJWest


      I know it's on the mail but it seems even a bit low for them, there's been loads of this 'simple children's tests stumbping adults' recently and it makes me wonder who they're asking to solve them

    3. Josh95


      its the type of thing, you read it think its easy. so you show it to your mates to show off. its just to get people reading it

    4. AJWest


      I suppose so, good 'ol daily mail eh, but then again I seem to have fallen for it :P

  17. 1. Get a shoebox 2. Draw 5 small ish dots on a piece of paper like the picture I've included, cut a square out of the lid of the box just indside the rim then tape/pin said piece of paper over that hole and put an old t-shirt or something inside the box to stop ricochet 3. Aim at the middle dot with your sight bang on the dot at whatever distance you feel is good, I generally use about 25-30m 4. Take 5 shots in semi, checking where you are hitting after each shot to see where you are actually shooting 5. Now adjust your sight in accordance to where you need to be hitting e.g. you're shooting to the right of the dot adjust your windage to the left 6. Once you have adjusted what you think is correct move onto another dot and repeat the process until you are hitting bang on where you are aiming, 5 dots should be plenty, once on about the 3rd dot you should be taking a shot and be adjusting after each shot because it should be pretty darn close That's a fairly simplified guide but it works perfectly for my airsoft and real shooting [obviously I don't use a shoe box for larger calibres but I use the same principle] you can use this method at whatever distance you want really as long as your rifle will reach and your hop is set correctly. Sorry for waffling on but I hope it helps. Edit: This one is after zeroing my .177 S200. I can't remember the range but I had just put on a new scope so it was miles off windage wise, I started top right with 7 shots, moved to top left with only 3 but I can't remember why, then 5 in the middle, then 5 each on the last bottom 2 just to make sure I had it pretty good before I ran out of light.
  18. tesco nail varnish remover and their cheap microfibre cloths works everytime for me
  19. ah the age old "don't worry I'm not going to buy anything, I am just looking" to the missus before you leave the house, thank god for internet shopping now eh (: what ICS did you get out of interest?
  20. Ah did not know that (: yeah that's the problem you never really know what you're getting I suppose, much like a lot of the stuff from china though really
  21. try looking at element or z-tac headsets, they're the peltor clones that you can fix to the rails of your helmet and there should be one with the correct connector for your radio, I don't know which brand is better though as I don't use radio headsets just normal amplified ear pro. I have heard though that the element ones do not like water but that might be the same for the z tac as well, just have a look at both. As for having one side left off you needn't bother because what these type of headsets do is have microphones on the outside that can pick up ambient noise like people talking next to you but reduce noises like pyro going off to protect your hearing
  22. Exactly, not worth the hassle of confronting them, that's what insurance is for, if you absolutely have no choice sure try something but don't antagonise the situation and yes using an airsoft gun is pointless as it is effectively just a toy
  23. Totally agree with that first bit as well, you have to be very careful with the whole 'self defence' thing in the UK
  24. well most slings will allow you to draw your seconday easily, that's half the point of them. Where do you mount your sidearm? the choices with an MP5 are slightly more limited than AR's but you can still get good slings. You can either get a decent one point sling and get a strong keyring to put through the rear sling mount so you can mount it there or find one that can go through the sling mount on its own. If you're dead set on having it go through the stock I would suggest trying to get your hands on an original H&K MP5 sling from somewhere on a foreign ebay, I think mine cost £15 plus 5 postage factoring in the exhange rates. They are great quality, keep it nice and close to you when 'dropped' as it were and easy to mount. Here's an example of one, although a bit pricey: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Heckler-and-Koch-HK-MP5-3-Point-Green-Canvas-Sling-a-/301848409720?hash=item4647913678:g:cuoAAOSwo3pWfysc And here's the whole page http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.XMP5+slin.TRS0&_nkw=MP5+sling&_sacat=0 Don't completely disregard the 'international sellers bit, that's where I got mine, think it was Slovenia or somewhere
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