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Jedi_Master last won the day on November 29

Jedi_Master had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM HK416D, TM M4 Sopmod, TM SGR-12, TM Mk23 Socom, Armorer Works M712 DL-44
  • Loadouts
    British DPM 'Cold War warrior', Grey urban kit
  • Sites
    UCAP Bunker, The Mall. Also played at: UCAP GreenOps, UCAP Sandpit, Longmoor, Tuddenham, Copthorne
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  1. Trader Feedback is only meant for actual sales. Do not leave feedback if you did not buy (pay for) an item or sell (receive money for) an item.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. snuff


      What about the buyers who almost complete but not quite? As in right upto the point of payment then nothing.

    3. TacticalWaifu


      @snuff I'd presume not, since you apparently can't leave feedback for sellers who agree a sale then keep messing you around 🤷‍♀️

      I'd argue feedback about behaviour like messing buyers/sellers around is important, and goes towards measuring the trustworthiness or respectability of the user in question, but I'm not a forum admin 😕

    4. RostokMcSpoons


      Apologies if this is meant for me, thanking Cannonfodder for his generosity via the feedback.

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