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Jedi_Master last won the day on August 28 2022

Jedi_Master had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM HK416D, TM M4 Sopmod, TM SGR-12, TM Mk23 Socom, Armorer Works M712 DL-44
  • Loadouts
    British DPM 'Cold War warrior', Grey urban kit
  • Sites
    UCAP Bunker, The Mall. Also played at: UCAP GreenOps, UCAP Sandpit, Longmoor, Tuddenham, Copthorne
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  1. Bar-B-Q season, got to love it 😎

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Ahh yes, the ancient and time-honoured rain ceremony of our peoples. It is said a successful barbeque is good tidings for the years harvest

    2. Druid799


      Oh yes ! This time of yr I cook as much as I can outside even if it’s just a couple of bits of meat or what ever ! 👍

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      In ni we tend not to bbq much, but when we do tis a glorious feast of named domesticated animal, and by named i mean we know what it was called before it died.


      There is no finer feast than local bacon on bessie burgers

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