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  • Guns
    G&G L85A2
    ICS Galil AR(M)
    Tanaka M700
    KJW P226
    TM Glock 18c
    TM MP5
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  1. Just over the Border there's Cumbria Airsoft in Annan - brilliant friendly site built on an old munitions factory, some great bunkers and buildings to hop in and out of as well as Woodland games. They play on a Saturday.
  2. Mainly have done spacers/shims to keep things secure on rails, done some risers too. I find the black finish of things too shiny on a lot of the filament's so I tend to give it a light sheen of plastidip from a can and that not only dulls it down but the rubber texture keeps it from moving and making noise. Haven't got round to it yet but have the drawing for an adaptor for my DD RIS on my L85 ready to print off sometime. Also on the "to do" list is some Nylon sling points to keep things a bit quieter than the current metal ones. Going to reinforce them with some steel rod also but should be a lot more silent. Will get some pics when I remember.
  3. My Brother in law just had a very similar problem. Turned out to be the selector plate, got a new one for £7 and job done. Could be worth checking?
  4. Enola Gaye for sure. Worth every penny.
  5. Seems everyone's over the other side! I'm down in Hastings but don't mind a bit of travel. Perhaps we could work our way through everyone's "Local" sites in the area over the course of the year? Give people a chance to experience some ones they might not have otherwise.
  6. I'm up for that! never say no to a pint either....
  7. The ones I go to there's normally a mix of those eating ration packs and those who have taken sandwiches. Rat packs really need to be heated up so if you're ok carrying a jetboil or similar they really are great. Otherwise just bung a few sarnies in a zipbag and try not to squash 'em too much. For me it depends on the time of year/weather and how long the milsim is. One hot meal every 24hrs does wonders for morale.
  8. There was a retailer on Facebook doing a preorder of these last week, think they all sold out within 24hrs so expect to see lots at sites soon!
  9. Looks like I do indeed! I've already emailed Madbull and tried their contact form but to no avail. I'll have to keep an eye out for anyone with a non G&G who might have one going spare (cash waiting!!!) or perhaps make one up out of something. Really appreciate you taking the time to get the pics for me. Alex
  10. Hi Guys, Feel a bit foolish for having to ask this one. After playing airsoft for 4 months now (still a baby, I know) and travelling quite a way to each game I find out that there's a site less than 3 miles from my house. http://1066airsoft.com/ Has anyone been? What size of area are we talking and are the games well structured? Hoping to pop down this Saturday and see if I can have a look round then get myself in for a Skirmish the following week.
  11. Do you have the G&G adapter it comes with? I'll gladly swap!
  12. Hi Guys, I am beginning to think it might be different to what I need. Does anyone out there with a G&G model have the time to take a picture for me of how those square lugs secure against the rail? Many thanks, Alex
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