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Posts posted by MxHaze

  1. Normal sunday shoot mate.


    Dunno if you're aware but theres no prebooking at pit just rock up and put ya name down, also sandpit has gone up to £35 for the day but they haven't updated their website just trust me its now 35 quid and make sure you take your own food and drink if you go.

  2. New to airsoft but youve got your call sign sorted already, nice.


    obviously discriminating patches are a no-no and most patches that have to be earned (eg some military ones) are frowned upon but other than that you'll be alright.

  3. Carbon fibre accessories always make me think of Saxo dashboards and Max Power. And then it makes me sad.


    Unless I'm remembering it wrong CF still has the ability to fail at any given moment from a slight knock in the wrong direction so I'm not entirely sure it'll be durable enough for an airsoft gun...

    You take that back right now!!!! i had a saxo vts as my first car. best car ive ever driven, carbon bonnet, carbon bootlid, carbon wrap seats & roof panel. i didnt have a dashboard i stripped out all the interior bar two seats, wheel and gear stick to make room for my cage. awesome car, took it to many a track day to show up all the cars. a stock scooby has about 210bhp per ton, my saxo had 240bhp per ton. Not all saxos are powered by subwoofers and 6inch backboxes!!!


    on topic: nah, its stupid.

  4. It must make some difference I guess

    This is why its pointless, because after all fannying about, you can only hope its doing something. you cant even call it a placebo effect because its unmeasurable and there are other variables in place.


    having said that, each to their own. But i wouldnt want any new airsofters to think washing your beebs will grant 300m headshots.

  5. It's pointless


    Unless you're gunna strip and clean your mags/rifle/containers/bottles every time you play, whats washing your bbs doing? did you bleach the bottle they came of before you put them back?

  6. I have the cheapo polystyrene one, i removed the poly insert and put my own pads in.


    If youve got a fat head and small buget, this is the way to go.


    i find the helmet/headset/lower mesh combo gives me more confidence to run em down. Where as with a ball cap and sawflys i tend to be more cautious.


    I also wear martial arts style junk protection.

    mrs haze wouldnt be interested if i came home with a load of welts on my bell hahaha

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