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  • Guns
    TM G36C
    TM G17
  • Loadouts
    Multicam/Swedish M90
    OD Plate Carrier
    FG FAST helmet
  • Sites
    Dragon Valley, Black Ops Bristol
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  1. Indeed, It's Swedish M90. Had G3 cut uniform in M90 made by Roman Kurmaz, and had a minimap and ronin belt made recently. And nah, don't think i'll go for the whole loadout - I'm happy enough with the DCS. Might go for some M81 and Multicam cryes next, though :^) Although, my guns could do with some money being put into them...
  2. I recently took delivery of a minimap and ronin -type belt from my favourite ukranian gear maker
  3. That paint will look awful after even a magazine of use.
  4. That's awesome, man. What attracted you to these chest rigs? What made you start wanting to collect them?
  5. I like my helmet, even more since I bought one of the more expensive versions with the proper straps and pads inside - it fits much more comfortably now, and is nice and secure. On the other hand, if it was a bit warmer, I'd probably go with something lighter, like a beanie or bush hat.
  6. You kind of got crucified on Reddit regarding this, didn't you Bright? Jesus... But yeah, I agree with your sentiments there - a marshal should really have been involved here. It may be that the other guy acted childishly, but Matt isn't being particularly mature about it, either.
  7. Tan/Black is always a good colour combo, though. It'd be sweet for a PMC look!
  8. I've seen some people do the same to the older Cottony desert DPM stuff, which might be an idea - the more recent, more plasticky woodland DPM might not work as well, as the IRR coat doesn't take dye.
  9. A guy posted to the /r/airsoft subreddit the other day, about a product he recently brought out, basically a really small steel mesh mouthguard http://imgur.com/a/FLKRc I can't vouch for how good it is, and it necessitates wearing a balaclava (which sounds awfully warm) or having elastic straps all over your face in addition to the not particularly comfy mesh, at which point you'd be better off with the lower half face mask.
  10. After much swearing and losing of springs, I was able to install my new PGC slide, guarder frame, night sights, and enhanced hammer spring
  11. I've had some of my mates recommend a South African Assault Vest (SAAV) - You can get them from Viper, take that as you will, but they're £25 and not too bad for that price. You might even be able to use it for cadets. Otherwise, PLCE as a set of webbing. It's got all the pouches you'd need for both cadets and airsoft. a full set, used, in DPM runs £25-30.
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