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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Well Ive never learnt sod all I always get shot to pieces.
  2. Wouldnt use the word hardcore more clumsy.I will snag it and tear it or find that one sharp piece that slices it. I am seriously usless with clothes its like a curse.
  3. Doesnt make a difference how much I pay or how tough something is supposed to be I still wreck it. I always buy the best for most things but not airsoft anymore, it makes no difference I will kill it. Must be doing something wrong.
  4. That was a shockingly bad team that day. I was getting round everywhere and didn't seem to be having a bad day personally. Couldn't quite figure out how our side was losing so badly?Was getting seriously pissed off with getting team killed, you expect a few but that was ridiculous. Useless tw*ts. Think I might dress up as Darth Vader and see if the force is really strong in you. ☺
  5. Yep and seeing as we played on the same side last time and I didnt get to shoot you we are on different teams this time.
  6. Looks like binman trousers.Buggered if I would pay £135 for trousers to play toy soldiers in. I would wreck them in a few games no matter how tough they are.
  7. Paying tomorrow regardless of anyone else. Its definitely on ☺
  8. Why do you feel the need to obfuscate your details then. That gives the impression you dont trust the other person. Thats whats offensive. No one else had any issues and that wouldnt of even crossed my mind if I was in your shoes. Anyway no harm done will wait on your payment.
  9. Dont even need that you can get an app on your phone. My missus uses it to CONTROL MY MONEY. 😦
  10. Still dont get this issue with personal details.I gave everybody involved my email, phone number and bank account details, its me who should be worried. I have been totally transparent and I would hope that the few people off the forum who have met me would vouch for my character. Do you have something to hide? Is that the issue? Do you even realise after how honest and open everyone else has been how offensive your attitude has been? Tomorrow night will be fine. It just helps if I know, I am not unreasonable.
  11. More interested in the people who put their names down following through.Everybody knew the timescale and I emailed or PM'ed everybody about the date to pay. Shouldn't have to chase people. Might have to charge an admin fee to cover my time at this rate. ☺ A couple of players did get in touch to let me know they are sorting it so should be ok hopefully. Just waiting to hear from a few others.
  12. I need to pay for this by Friday so can those that haven't paid either get me their deposits or at least cancel their place.Would be a shame to cancel the event at this late stage.
  13. Not an issue its pretty dark in there and I am not fussy.
  14. If you bring 5 hookers sod airsoft guns I know what I am playing with. 😈
  15. Probably rent a friend, I have met him and Im struggling to believe it as well. 😉 I know Saturday nights are not good for Loz. Will harass him about the Sunday after hes got the stress of moving over with.
  16. Waiting on a couple more to pay then I will chuck in the rest and pay the deposit to the site.Come along ladies before we lose the booking. By the way dont anybody take offence to the adjusted list I was just bored.
  17. Stand there screaming take your fooking hits like a numpty.
  18. Put bbs in magazine (6mm plastic ones). Edit; Wind if high cap.
  19. Sitting duck is spot on probably a few hundreds yards wouldn't even take you 5 minutes to walk.
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