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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. No I am not trying to argue anything I was just pointing that all the ex forces I know from before airsoft and those I have met playing all seem to have no interest in milsim.The general consensus I get when talking to them is why do I want pretend to do what I used to do for a living, got very much the same answer from an exforces guy who is also a forum member. I am sure some the of people who play milsim are ex combat soldiers as you say but I would lay money on that being a minority. The whole milsim scenario you described in an earlier post to my mind sounds boring and about as much fun as getting your ass crack waxed. I think thats the problem what you described will sound so fantasist to most people that its on the same level as wearing furry feet and running round a field in Sussex with a wooden sword screaming for the shire. While I appreciate you enjoy it and when I saw a post you put up a while ago about using a boat to assault somewhere I thought that sounded like great fun you must surely see how it can come across to other people. I still feel that some sort of milsim/structured game is the way forward but the whole tier1 thing is elitist and a bit much.
  2. Weird thing is I have been playing private games with a bunch of ex forces guys and most of them wont even go to to a normal skirmish and to a man they all hate milsims. When I asked about ex soldiers playing milsims I got one those dont be stupid looks. Which does make me wonder how many were actual combat soldiers and how many were just admin staff.
  3. Didnt think about a tactical side I just did it because it was pretty and I am sad.Dont think it would work for me anyway the fact I generally come running in behind like a bellend gives me away. I only have one play style, thats Zulu style attack. Run in screaming and hope for the best.
  4. He made a bit of a generalisation not something aimed at a particular person. You flat out insulted him maybe you need to look in a mirror?
  5. Actually a lot of people get into airsoft for fun not realism because its in no way realistic. As I have said before milsim is a great idea and the way forward for airsoft. Unfortunately though some players do need to recognise its a game to be played for fun and not real life. Milsim will attract the biggest walts and nobs in airsoft but thats not its fault thats just human nature. Maybe the more sensible event organisers need to start banning the try hards and the players need to educate the over zealous few among them. Until that changes a bit though a lot of airsofters are still going to look at milsims a bit funny because its the minority who give it a bad name who stand out the most.
  6. See where your coming from but there is a big difference between a BMW and a TM aeg.A BMW is a complicated piece of German engineering built by a skilled workforce. It contains many precision working parts that all have to work perfectly together. A TM aeg is a very basic gearbox and motor fitted into a pot metal or plastic body. Its built by a generally unskilled workforce (think Japanese Granny) for the lowest possible cost. An aeg is the most basic gear driven piston design possible. TM is not even the BMW of the airsoft world more the Honda. Im not saying Kingdom of airsoft are not good but so are many others and unless you have tried everyone then you cant cast a generalisation such as... Kingdom of airsoft end of.
  7. Just use the tube and rod type loaders.
  8. Any half decent tech at any shop could do it its not rocket science. Aeg's are pretty simple things and I wish people would stop acting like TM recoils are something that requires a degree from Hogwarts to work on. Doesnt matter what shop you go to someone will always have a horror story even Kindom of airsoft have probably had some bad reviews. Any work you get done is covered so any problems after they have to either sort it themselves or foot the bill for someone else to do it.
  9. I did it mixing one red tracer bb to two green tracer bbs. Used an old rod type speedloader. It was very pretty but a complete ball ache to do.
  10. Easiest way to work out the price of a second hand gun is to add the price of gun plus upgrades together then take a third of total costs off. If it doesnt have the original parts that were removed with it take off a little bit more.
  11. Well seeing as Spaz has some connection with the Rogers company he can test it. For all anybody knows they built enough tolerance into it for that. They do seem to aim towards the airsoft community as well as RS.
  12. Nothing is too big for cqb. You just modify your play style for whatever weapon you use. If the gun seems too slow going round corners its not the gun but the player just move faster.
  13. SorryDidn't mean to come across as such a tw*t but unfortunately I have a talent for it.
  14. How about we just let it die and bury it in a grave marked "very sad"
  15. Within 1% of the skan used at the mall and more accurate than my x3200 stand alone chrono. So yeah pretty good. Its not with out faults though. Front part of tracer unit cover is a naff plastic I replaced it on both of mine with an aluminium disc that is loctited into place. I could send you one if you get one. The thread on the tracer is slightly slack so you have to use ptfe tape on the thread otherwise tracer can lean and ruin your accuracy. Pretty simple fixes but thought I should point them out.
  16. It is I wouldn't be without it anymore.
  17. No I forgot about it to be honest.
  18. Possible but they are not very common. Think I have only ever seen a couple and they were people who got one after seeing mine.
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