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  • Guns
    Gamo C-15 blowback dual ammo rotary clip. FPS 440.
  • Loadouts
    British MTP CAMO ex issued
    Mark 2
    Magnum desert patrol boots
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  1. I agree with most of what has been said here but I thought it was rather funny the guys got a big pair to go round doing that.
  2. Excuse the typos my phone dosent seem to comprehend well the letters I type im sure you can hopefully piece what im trying to say together !
  3. I'd agree not a US Army vest, well not anything they wear these days, I'd say its mthatsitsly if not all about plate carriers and those sort of chest rigs. That definitley looks like shady DPM of the british ex issue kind anyway, As CKinnerley said get on ebay or find your nearest surplus shop there more than likely to stock a generous amount of cs95 dpm as its now for the use of deployment and anything for the british obseletebritishearing certain things like cadets or maybe training excersises.MTP is the way forward in my opinion and its much better made the pockets are a lot better and the whole design.Ubacs are a good shout though or a good tactical hoodie for its cold at the minute. As anything it's personal preference and if your happy with your gear then good for you dude ! Its nice to have advice of the guys on here.
  4. Liking this one ! Thanks a lot mack Definitely will be ordering something when got some funds in the bank !
  5. Anyone got any US digi cam loadouts, really wana go for the desert dogi camo loadout and any ideas any good webbing or plate carriers to go with ?
  6. This is what I wore last week at Halo Mill, Looking to start a different camo load out. Other things purchased Ess ice glasses bnib Looking at buying gen4 glock or an M92 in a few weeks !
  7. Just for clarification I went onto Bohemia airsoft website and when I came across the weapons I was looking at the prices had a decimal point after the first number I.e 7.511 kc. I checked the currency exchange and 1 GBP is worth 35 kc so am I seeing this right are these airsoft rifles actually cheap as chips ? Or am I reading it wrong ?
  8. Hope to see you there sometime soon I'm aiming for start of jan
  9. Yeah I'll take that advice and probably do that next time thanks
  10. Well spotted haven't posted for a while so had a bit to post.
  11. A friend recommended getting some Fabsil to waterproof my MTP shock and such things, he used it on a flectarn shirt and the water just bounced off so definitely need to get some I've seen their gold premium bottles for 13 quid so a Christmas present to myself along with a gen4 glock might be a good shout !
  12. Still waiting on a game anyone going to any First and only sites in Manchester in the new year ?
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