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Everything posted by beastmode

  1. I've disliked and reported the video too. Just read some of the comments what a bunch of absolute idiots. If I could physically remove that nerf gun from his possession and hit him round the head with it to knock some sense into him I definitely would.
  2. He was a student going to some filming for a horror film apparently that's all I know. But you don't just walk around the streets with a RIF.
  3. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/norwich-gunman-hunt-live-updates-5326181 Hopefully this link will work
  4. Just seen this on the news. Someone in Norwich spotted in full army gear and a RIF I really hope he isn't an airsofter. Anyway here's the link http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/video_red_nose_day_fundraiser_dressed_as_a_soldier_and_carrying_a_toy_gun_sparks_armed_police_response_1_39924
  5. I don't think you HAVE to go to uni to get a good job. Most people go just for the sake of going and come out 3 years later 30 grand poorer and still can't get a job. I started work at 16 and worked my way up. Now I'm a sales manager at 28 earning a decent enough wage. Only go to uni if you know what you want to do requires a degree like law etc Getting a trade through an aprenticeship may be a good idea if your into the practical side of things.
  6. I have the G&G L85. No real problems. I've disabled blow back feature as it can ruin the piston. I'm currently trying to sort the semi auto lock up issue which seems to be a problem on all l85s, although it's not a huge issue for me. The gun has a split gear box and is incredibly easy to open and work on even for me. It has a really nice range and accuracy and I haven't even done any real modifications yet.
  7. I was (for a short time) the voice of Oswald the train at the Midland railway museum. basically I was in a small office near the train with a microphone connected to a speaker on the train. Fun job for a couple of weeks.
  8. At 14 I worked as a talking train in a museum. Not many of those jobs around though!
  9. I think people take this sport to seriously at times. It's just a game and it's meant to be fun. We all started out as noob rental players at some stage. I personally like it that we have a mix of ages and experience at my regular sites and haven't noticed to many problems. The main non hit takers are usually the experienced guys that take it a bit to seriously.
  10. I'm happy with the current government there's always things that could be done better but better than the shambles we had before. And the greens will never get in power, thankfully. We don't want to be like Australia and have no airsoft.
  11. Yeah I think it's directly on a bus route into Bristol as well for you. Owe I forgot to mention they are selling A&k m249 para for £280
  12. Recently bought a g&g l85A2 from here. Was cheaper than most the online retailers. Had to order it in which only took 2 days. Top notch service. Not really much of a website but the shop it self is pretty good as they sell tones of army surplus. Very good service will be going back for more gear soon.
  13. Hi Chris and welcome to the forum. My self an a few others play at black ops Cribbs and black ops portishead. We are trying out spartan in the new year. I think Bristol airsoft is meant to be ok but a bit small and can get boring quickly I've heard because of the Size. I'd recommend starting out at Black ops to start with to get your ukara sorted.
  14. I've actually got the Src now. no problems with build quality however I bought it second hand and I'm having issues with the gear box. I've also used a Jg g36c and liked the feel of it. There really isn't much in it between them but I'd say SRC just edges if it was working properly.
  15. Hi Guys, my lower receiver recently cracked which then snapped completely in half. only had it about 3 months. So I'm after a replacement. Does anyone know where I could get one from or is anyone selling one second hand? cheers
  16. Cheers Nick. I haven't opened It up yet will be doing this weekend hopefully. The trigger does cutter off on full auto as well. Just hope I can sort it as it's extremely annoying.
  17. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with it. I'm holding the trigger the full cycle. Even on semi it locks up. Only adjusting the fire selector all the time gets it working again. It's definitely different from how my M4 works.
  18. Hi guys, having a bit of trouble with the fire selector switch on my Src g36kv. It sometimes locks up mid fire and I have to put it into safe then back onto full auto or semi. Does anyone know what the problem might be? Cheers
  19. Looks good to me. I'd just stick with stock for the moment until you know what needs upgrading if anything. Spend the money on a few spare mags and 2 or 3 batteries. Also make sure you use some good quality bb's. Devil blasters I've found work well.
  20. I wouldn't avoid kids in a game. If they are playing the game they are equal to everyone else in my mind. They can pad up all they want as long as they take their hits. If they don't like getting hit with padding or without they shouldn't go.
  21. beastmode

    Ukara number ??

    Actually the number on the card from this particular site they put your ukara number on there. I'd wait a few days till it goes on the database though Nick you'll get an email when it does from Ukara.
  22. Welcome. There's quite a few on the forum from Bristol area. I'd recommend you rent for your first few games to get a feel for it. Try black ops cribbs and portishead they run every Sunday and alternate between the sites. They will help you get Ukara sorted. Spartan near the airport is another option that I haven't tried yet but I hear its good.
  23. The Portishead site is mainly in an enclosed forest anyway so keeps a fair bit of the wind away. The rain is no biggy just stick a waterproof jacket on. The marshalling at Black ops is always good and consistent. They will sort Ukara out for you for free with no trouble what so ever. If you do come down on the 30th I will see you down there.
  24. Welcome back dude. As above I'm newish. You'll be back on your feet in no time.
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