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Showing content with the highest reputation since 12/02/25 in Advert Questions

  1. ButcherBill

    Ak stuff

    Looks like toughened glass & steel. 😉
    3 points
  2. Enid_Puceflange

    Glock 17 gen.3

    Having to sell it to pay for electricity mate? 😹
    2 points
  3. SAW

    Trijicon ACOG TA01

    Hi, I own a real one with the fibre optic and if you remove the iron sight on the rear there will be two sets of matching serial numbers. This will help show it's real for your sale. Also notice in the reticle photo, there is a small M4A1 etched into it. This shows the caliber lines are rated for 5.56mm drop and I've never come across a copy that shows this. Good look.
    2 points
  4. They're clearly pink mate, ya can see that.....doh 😁
    2 points
  5. Frankenstein put all the bits together before unleashing the monster on the public.
    2 points
  6. Hmm! Why hasn't this been sold yet? Could it be because it is a very cheap gun that has been broken, has a shit rate of fire and only works in full auto? Surely not!
    2 points
  7. Sylithics

    G&P XM177

    No trade marks on the receiver?
    2 points
  8. We have a bone yard section for broken guns...
    2 points
  9. Tackle

    MGC P7M13 GBB

    1 point
  10. Dandanrix

    A&k vector

    You have posted in the gas listings
    1 point
  11. https://www.firesupport.uk/tokyo-marui-pro-silencer-knights-type-205mm-14mm-ccw-save.html £40 new
    1 point
  12. Im not sure about "Likisei" or if these are the super lightweight variants. But SAVIA (EU) as a magazine manufacturer are absolutely fantastic. I hope these are also, but I did not get on well with lightweight mags like Prowin simply for centre of balance preference with builds
    1 point
  13. BigAl

    Trijicon ACOG TA01

    Definitely real and a good price.
    1 point
  14. Having just bought a similar kit to this brand new it is not over priced taking into account whats included. This is probably £600 retail at a reserved estimate
    1 point
  15. navyvet86

    Army staccato c2

    If anyone is thinking about it. Jump on it. I love these little C2's. Fully accepting of all aftermarket blowback housings and nozzles (If it has the SILVER barrel-AA- and not the BLACK one-SAVIA-) You can buy the full steel hammer assemblies for around £40 posted that swap straight in. and they're one of my fave low budget compacts for fun.
    1 point
  16. Lt.Chris

    Unused V3 GHK MK18

    @LyndicationThat cost is without Post and Packaging not to mention custom fees so this price hes got listed here is very good. I would swipe it up if it was the Daniel Defence or URGI
    1 point
  17. Excellent price on this.
    1 point
  18. It’s seen a life so the price would be fair , these things are pretty much indestructible and discontinued now but there’s still people doing LED conversions for them . Feel free to pm me if it might interest you and I’ll dig it out and take some pics 👍🏼
    1 point
  19. Austeyr

    HK33/53 Magazine Coupler

    I think I may have one, I’ll dig it out and dm you 🤙
    1 point
  20. BigAl


    Still a current model so mags available new. As for optic or suppressor mounts you're gonna struggle there, you may have to look into 3d printed parts.
    1 point
  21. 16 mags? Holy hell, please show the rig you were/wore to carry all those.
    1 point
  22. Three pics, all the same, and can't see squat.....except his name etc!
    1 point
  23. BigStew

    VFC Complete uppper reciever

    Can't tell from pictures is this an AEG or GBBR upper?
    1 point
  24. JimFromHorsham

    Magpul CTR stock

    Should probably clarify that it’s a clone and not genuine before sale 👍🏼
    1 point
  25. Cannonfodder

    WTB: Surefire X300T-A

    1 point
  26. Tackle

    AUSCAM Box Mag

    You might want to mention what it fits ?
    1 point
  27. BigAl

    Wanted - compact pistol

    I have a Sig 228/9, will dig it out and get you some pics tonight.
    1 point
  28. harleyd

    MTW Wolverine HPA

    these are only 675 new with warranty and tbh honest at the price your asking people will buy new plus with a second hand rifle irrespective of 1 game or 20 games its 70% of rrp
    1 point
  29. JakubWisniewski

    VFC M733 V3 GBBR

    BigAI mate i don't think you realise you can also write literally any date you want on a piece of paper, respectfully the admin needs a bigger phone, better monitor or a trip to specsavers
    1 point
  30. & I thought I was being constructive with my feedback. My bad, the rules clearly state that comments are meant to be helpful & constructive, if they're not then I leave myself open to forum warnings or worse, I should have just posted on macks. Good luck with the sale.😃
    0 points
  31. @Mini airsofthave you received the item or started a PayPal claim?
    0 points
  32. @StayFrosties @Mini airsoft has purchased this on the 14th of February and has received no rifle or update What's going on?
    0 points
  33. @ButcherBillit’s the KWC Mini Uzi with a full aftermarket Guarder upgrade body kit fitted . As it says in the advert description . It’s a massive improvement over the look and feel of the original . the link you have provided is just the Guarder kit , it’s not a complete gun. Guarder receiver kit
    0 points
  34. Mate this uh, this costs more than buying this kit new
    0 points
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