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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/13 in all areas

  1. Decided to upgrade my crappy £30 vest I got off amazon for a W.A.S DCS plate carrier, I couldn't be more happier!
    1 point
  2. Russe11


    So my next project will involve sewing. I made a joke on the Operation Shining light thread about wearing a fez, as Syria was part of the Ottoman empire. So now I plan to make a DDPM Fez. I shall get a fez, cover it with DDPM material and reattach the tassle. Then I might add a bit of velcro for patches and if I'm feeling very silly (I probably will be) maybe some molle on the sides in case I feel the need for a grenade pouch or something. I may even spraypaint the phrase 'Fez's are tacticool' somewhere on it.
    1 point
  3. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    Just making some points related to the overall topic, a bit of extra information never hurt anyone. If the overall question was the RS calibre of the magazines Beta Project replicated, then yes they're 545 (or possibly 556 but the difference is minimal to say the least). (speaking to the general readership here) With the usual caveat of airsoft tolerances you can use any airsoft AK mag in any bloody gun you want. The only people I've seen berate others over the 'terrible sin' of putting a 545 mag in a 762 gun were bordering-clinically mental USSR obsessives who got themselves off every night under their hammer and sickle duvet cover at the thought of personally combing Stalins' moustache.
    1 point
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