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kit build guns?

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hello all


i have always been one for building stuff, and i know that when i start to gather a collection of gear i will not be able to leave it alone without fiddling.


clearly there is massive scope out there for customisation, but....


is there a company out there that sells guns in kit form that you can build up from scratch yourself. i like the idea of that, would be an interesting project and would allow you to know how the internals work better also.


i would say something simple in the first instance (possibly a pistol if they exist in kits)?


any info would be greatly recieved.

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I've never heard of anything like it but that is the most brilliant idea I've ever heard. I pretty much built my childhood using lego, KNEX, Meccano etc etc and I'm just the same as you, I even used to build guns out of lego haha. It'd be awesome if a company did make a gun kit.


I guess other people will just say that you could fully dismantle any gun you buy by using the explosion diagram, but I think step by step instructions are a must when there's so many small, fiddly and sometimes, springy, parts.


I'll definitely keep my eyes open, I can't believe I never though about it myself tbh.

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their are kit guns Per Se but they don't come with parts for example the SL9 you have to buy the exterior for £300 and then you have to buy a G36 for the Internal's


i know theirs the Systema PTW kit aswell but who really has 2 Grand


but i am of the same opinion as you guy's but it would cost alot for someone!

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I build models kits when I get some spare time mainly WW2 tanks. So im always looking to build something abit different.Now back in late 80's I brought and built a long barreled luger this had a working cocking lever, mag with bullets you pulled cocking lever back and bullet was ejected fast forward say to 94 i went local model shop to buy paints and walked out with an 1/1 bb firing UZI scale kit not a mini UZI but the larger type with full fold away stock not bar type this to had acocking handle possibly one of the first springer airsofts around this had to be built from inside out so all springs and so forth had to be built. About month later i went back and brought a 1911also fired bb's this to had to built this had a choice of small or large mag by means of a slide on extention. These where not the only guns shop had in stock there was m16, m4, ak47 and all sorts of hand guns . As for buying guns in kit form there are plenty 1/35,1/16 and 1/6 scale guns out there but no 1/1. Never seen any on model sites ive looked on then again i was looking for tanks

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  • 11 months later...
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Thought they were just spare parts...rather than 'kits' :P

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Guest WhiteDeath


Vintage Marui kit guns(All plastic,poor performances for modern times)

Systema PTW kits

Innokatsu & Hurricance


Those are all I know...

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i dont know weather it can be classed as a kit build but there is a company that do a set of aeg's called the specter series where you can buy the lower reciver and it will then fit to any of the uppers they make so you could buy 1 lower and 3 uppers 1 for cqb 1 for sniping and one normal m4 style for regular play i think they sell them a jd airsoft

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