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new madbull licensing

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I didn't know there was an AR chambered for 5.7mm


Is it the same as the FN P90/57 or is it a longer variant?

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I didn't know there was an AR chambered for 5.7mm


Is it the same as the FN P90/57 or is it a longer variant?

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Same roundas the p90 and fb57, same mag as the p90, I believe the shell cases eject downwards out the magwell but don't quote me on that :P

I've wanted one for ages, so happy i might be able to get one :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd never heard of this before! Looks like the real thing is an upper that fits any AR lower and converts it to 57 ammo. Spent casings do indeed drop out the magwell.


Lots of interesting reviews on YouTube of the real thing:


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Can't see why it can't be done with a straight upper swap to fit a standard AEG M4 lower. The existing M4 hop and inner barrel are in the upper/front end which slides straight off the gun. A new upper with the M4 hop essentially in upside down so the mag clips on top would be fairly straight forward.

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I am really confused, you can put P90 mags in it but it had a M4 magwell??????



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okay just saw the video and get it now, i like the way the rounds go out the mag well

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I have just designed a hop up unit for the gun, I will start making it in January and will see what modifications need to be done to the receiver, obviously I wont be able to line up the feeding holes exactly until I buy the gun once it's released.




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No offense, but why bother, what's the point?

It's made for p90 mags, not stanags so why use them... just buy an m4, no point wasting the £120+ on this kit

And the chances are, the bb's will fall out the hole on the opposite side.

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No offense, but why bother, what's the point?

It's made for p90 mags, not stanags so why use them... just buy an m4, no point wasting the £120+ on this kit

And the chances are, the bb's will fall out the hole on the opposite side.


Good point, I just have a lot of spare time :P

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