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Hop rubbers recommendations


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I own a ARP 9. 

I use 11.1 lipos with. 25 bbs.

Its shooting 300 FPS.


It has stock barrel and hop rubber and unit. 

When I adjust the hop I cannot find the sweet spot. It's always too much or too little.


Would anyone recommend a drop in hop rubber that would improve this? 



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The G&G rubbers are reasonably good as stock buckings go. You could try with a prommy purple rubber, or  one of the usual maple leaf offerings (but as you are using the stock inner barrel, you may find that it's window is a little too small for the maple leafs).

Unfortunately, some experimentation may be required, including with your chosen tensioner/nub.

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14 hours ago, Wegalaxy said:

@The_Lord_Poncho thanks i appreciate this. Tbh I don't really want to extend the barrel. But tbh I think with a 5 inch barrel I'm kinda stuck for options 😅


Wires crossed here, I think. It's that the Maple Leafs have (by design) a relatively large contact patch compared to other buckings and in theory it might foul in the window (the hole in the top of the barrel). However, I've not experienced that problem with any barrel, either stock or aftermarket, and I run Maple Leafs exclusively.  One thing that can give an issue is that Maple Leafs have slightly longer feed lips than some other buckings, which can stop BBs from feeding.  I've only experienced this once, in a MP5K with a pretty shoddy hop chamber, and if you do experience it, all it takes to solve it is cutting a tiny sliver off of the bottom of the feed lip.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Wires crossed here, I think. It's that the Maple Leafs have (by design) a relatively large contact patch compared to other buckings and in theory it might foul in the window (the hole in the top of the barrel). However, I've not experienced that problem with any barrel, either stock or aftermarket, and I run Maple Leafs exclusively.  One thing that can give an issue is that Maple Leafs have slightly longer feed lips than some other buckings, which can stop BBs from feeding.  've only experienced this one, in a MP5K with a pretty shoddy hop chamber, and if you do experience it, all it takes to solve it is cutting a tiny sliver off of the bottom of the feed lip.


I've found PDI barrels can have issues with ML hop rubbers. I had to widen the window on the 6.08 PDI barrel in my MTW, because it wasn't properly fitting the ML contact patch and wasn't hopping heavy BBs when it should have. After I widened the window it worked fine.


That said, I now swear by the 4uantum Friction Pro buckings for AEG-style hop ups. I really like them. However, the only gun I use that gets any use with an AEG hop rubber in it is my MTW, and even then that plays second fiddle to my GBBRs and gas bolt actions.

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I used to run Maple Leaf Macaron (yellow) almost exclusively in all my AEGs until it one of them caused a lot of feed issues in my mk18. I swapped to a Begadi (IIRC) Fly5 hop rubber and have stuck with that since with no issue. I feel like the performance of the Begadi rubber is better (aside from curing the feeding issues). Shots appear more consistent with a flatter trajectory for longer.

I've heard good things about the 4uantum Friction Pro and have an AEG and GBB one to try.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

It's that the Maple Leafs have (by design) a relatively large contact patch compared to other buckings and in theory it might foul in the window (the hole in the top of the barrel). However, I've not experienced that problem with any barrel, either stock or aftermarket, and I run Maple Leafs exclusively.


This, and it's also the reason why you get the best out of them with Maple Leaf inner barrels as well.


The MR is a great bucking with a large and long patch so you can apply light but consistent hop, no heavy pressure that has to be applied to a very small area. AK2M4 understands this and its why his own XT inner barrels have larger windows. It's also why I really like the combo of Maple Leaf MR bucking + their inner barrels + the hard concave nub of the Maxx Model M4A-PRO hop unit, light consistent hop robbing the BB of less energy.


Stick with a Macaron, or one of the newer 4UAD's, if you've a small / standard window, but if the window is big enough MR is king.

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Have you tried running heavier bbs? Just thinking if it's just a bit too much on .25s then it could be the sweet spot for .3s. 


Heavier is better if outside, indoors or close ranges it doesn't matter so much so cost can then become a factor and lighter can be used. 

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It's not much about the hop rubber but rather the hop unit.


If I'm not mistaken G&G rotary hop units have a clicking retainer that helps with.....well....retaining the hop up adjustment.

One option is to try a hop unit that doesn't have said clicking retainer so you can fine tune the adjustment, ZCI plastics are cheap enough to give them a try.

Another option is to shave a tiny bit of material off the tensioner, so that when you click it in "too much" setting, it'll hop slightly less and give you the adjustment you want... it's a bit trial and error with this one.

Edited by Skara
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54 minutes ago, Emergencychimps said:

Have you tried running heavier bbs? Just thinking if it's just a bit too much on .25s then it could be the sweet spot for .3s. 


Heavier is better if outside, indoors or close ranges it doesn't matter so much so cost can then become a factor and lighter can be used. 


Also getting shot up close with heavy BBs sucks. A lot of CQB sites limit BB weights for this reason.

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5 hours ago, Impulse said:


Also getting shot up close with heavy BBs sucks. A lot of CQB sites limit BB weights for this reason.


Valid points, my assumption was the desire to maximise range suggested that the OP was interested in shooting players further away, CQB doesn't always need precision hop setting (in fact I have seen not enough hop get use quite effectively!) 


But your point is very valid, we aren't playing to hurt each other. 

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