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CQB questions


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Hello everyone,

I am about to play a full day of CQB.

I have put myself in an awkward position where I am currently AEG less. 

I have a GBB glock with 2 mags and a spring shotgun shooting 1 at a time with a respectable 340 FPS.

With the shot gun I have 3 15 round magazines (with multiple speed loaders).

I also will be using a pulse armament bfg


Question 1) 

If I used my gbb glock all day how many cans of air would I typically go through?
I will be using large cans of ultra air.


Question 2)

Should I use .25s to stop the ark of the airsoft pellets? As .20s seem to ark up a little with the spring shotgun with the hop turned completely off.


Question 3)

Will I fail miserably?


Question 4)

Should I try be a speed softer with just a pistol?


Thanks :) 



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43 minutes ago, Wegalaxy said:

Question 1) 

If I used my gbb glock all day how many cans of air would I typically go through?
I will be using large cans of ultra air.



How long's a piece of string? It depends on the site and how trigger-happy you are. Even a friend of mine didn't go through a while large can on Nuprol green gas in a day of playing with a pistol as his primary.



43 minutes ago, Wegalaxy said:

Question 2)

Should I use .25s to stop the ark of the airsoft pellets? As .20s seem to ark up a little with the spring shotgun with the hop turned completely off.



Hop-up is meant to create a small arc to allow the BBs to travel farther before they drop. It depends on the gun you use whether a heavier BB is beneficial as the hop on your particular gun may not be able to lift heavier BBs more readily for a desired range.


43 minutes ago, Wegalaxy said:

Question 3)

Will I fail miserably?



In what respect? Context and not being vague matter. If you mean your shotgun and pistol, it depends more on he who wields than anything.

Does your CQB site permit BFGs?


43 minutes ago, Wegalaxy said:

Question 4)

Should I try be a speed softer with just a pistol?



Playing with only a pistol doesn't make you a speed softer in itself. Being a speedy boi may not lend well depending on what objectives you have for the site you play at or its rules of engagement. Whether you should play with only a pistol is a decision only you can make with trial and error.


Edited by Galvatron
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Had a cracking day at a CQB site where I ran a Glock with a few mags for most of the day.  


I'm a bit of a unit, so just running a pistol made me a bit more nimble than usual.  Favourite kill of the day was headshotting an enemy at point bank range (he had a helmet) after sneaking round behind him.  Had enough time to do a Clarence Bodica vs Alex Murphy "nananana nanananana nananananana BOOM" move too 😁.



It's all down to how you play.




Oh and I'm a tight arse, and see no point using anything more than 0.2s indoors.  It's not like you need to punch through a hedge or adjust for cross winds.

Edited by Dan Robinson
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Pistol only is a fun cab gameplay, but 2 gbb mags gets you around 60-70 BBS, it can go real quick, I like 4 or more mags if I play pistol only. 


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1) no idea. But more gas is better than no gas, it's not like it goes off.


2) 0.2's are fine indoors, all the reasons for heavier ammo go away indoors.


3) You'll only fail if you don't have fun.


4) To go all speedi-boi you'll need an HPA pistol that takes M4 hi-caps (or a drum mag) and lycra.


The only potential problem you'll have is a lack of mags, but it'll probably prove to be a fun deviation from the norm.

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A can of gas should be more than sufficient for a day.  And 0.25g is a decent shout, they're good at most CQB sites and the cost difference is minimal.


You'll have a blast. Fewer kills, but more satisfaction when you do get one. I love pistol and shotgun play. Heck, in very-CQB, my favourite tool is an unhopped revolver, used single-action.

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On 01/08/2024 at 21:19, Wegalaxy said:

Question 1) 

If I used my gbb glock all day how many cans of air would I typically go through?
I will be using large cans of ultra air.

Obviously it depends on how trigger happy you are but I'd be surprised if you went through a whole can in one day

On 01/08/2024 at 21:19, Wegalaxy said:

Question 2)

Should I use .25s to stop the ark of the airsoft pellets? As .20s seem to ark up a little with the spring shotgun with the hop turned completely off.

I use .2s for cqb as the extra range given using heavier ammo isn't necessary. 


On 01/08/2024 at 21:19, Wegalaxy said:

Question 3)

Will I fail miserably?

Probably but that's half the fun of it



On 01/08/2024 at 21:19, Wegalaxy said:

Question 4)

Should I try be a speed softer with just a pistol?

 Playing with a pistol doesn't make you a speed softer it's down to the tactics and kit used. Fortunately many cqb sites are banning things like trigger spamming and prefiring 


If you can I'd highly recommend picking up 1 or 2 extra mags for the pistol 

Edited by Cannonfodder
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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