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The truth about Magpul Prices.

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Basically, the reason why us airsofters have to pay through the nose for magpul parts is that:


real ones don't melt.


no really, that's it. Think about it - we don't need out parts to sustain the same shocks or heat that a real steel part would, so our parts don't have to be made of the same stuff and can be manufactured for a lower cost.

This is great, magpul parts for cheap :D

but then real steel owners would see these parts and put them on a real steel firearm (espeically over in the states).

then the part malufunctions, melts or cracks and they either get burns from molten plastics or sue magpul.

So magpul price their parts so that they are cheaper than the real steel bits, but not cheap enough for real steel firearms owners to buy them instead of the safer propper parts - magpul aren't sued, people dont burn their hands - everyone's a winner! (except us airsofters)


essentially, it's a safety feature to make the parts so expensive.

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And they need to make their prices high, to make it sound like they are really good.

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well, that's just like, your opinion, maaan.


no really, that's the reason, straight from the man who imports the UK's magpul supplies.


On a related note, you won't be able to get a black masada anywhere untill atleast christmas - PB sold the last one in europe the other day.

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One day I will find you. And then the games will begin.


Also, on a lighter note. When you study forensics, they teach you how to essentially commit the perfect crime...


*Shifty looks*


Penguins are fantastic.

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I can't see why they don't sell, they look and perform better, and have better mags, tis indeed the better one of the two

If I wanted an aeg its the one I'd buy..... you and your pigeons penguins are safe for now

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being able to share M4 mags is certainly more practical anyway, i respect magpul for making their safety prices, :)

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With over 120 rounds you will never need to borrow mags, unless u truly can't aim. they are cheaper too so.you can have more anyway if you need more.


I understand their reason but tbh anyone who shoots rs firearms should.know better than to use improper equipment

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A bloke I know who's ex special forces (and has just been called up to the RAF but isn't allowed to tell us what regiment) tried to load real rounds, in real magazines into an AAL85, it took him about twenty minutes to figure out why his magazine wouldn't stay in his AEG.


It's not just the Americans who get confused between their real guns and their toy guns ;)

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  Finius said:
A bloke I know who's ex special forces (and has just been called up to the RAF but isn't allowed to tell us what regiment) tried to load real rounds, in real magazines into an AAL85, it took him about twenty minutes to figure out why his magazine wouldn't stay in his AEG.


It's not just the Americans who get confused between their real guns and their toy guns ;)

storys like this help me sleep easy at night knowing that we are being looked after by the very best... :P

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  Finius said:
That's okay, I'd rather stab myself in the delicates with a rusty fork than buy a MASADA anyways :P


help your self



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  marksman556 said:
I can't see why they don't sell, they look and perform better, and have better mags, tis indeed the better one of the two

If I wanted an aeg its the one I'd buy..... you and your pigeons penguins are safe for now

They peform practiccaly the same and m4 mags are so much easier

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But its a cheaper gun (once mags are bought) that looks and performs better

AK's are nice yes, not the tactical one obviously, but I don't see why everyone is against the better gun!?! It's beyond me :o

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