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My gbb greengas pistol won’t fire.


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I won a kwa atp series pistol in a raffle along with some kwa brand BBs and green gas. It was working fine for a few minutes but now it won’t fire. When I cock back the gun it loads a bb but when I pull the trigger nothing happens. The bb is also able to fall out the end once I cock it. I need some help.


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Has the mag got any gas in it?

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In addition to the points about checking that there are no obvious signs of damage or obstruction, do you feel resistance against the release fill valve when you gently press your thumb against it, just to confirm you are filling the magazine?


What kind of gas are you using?


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On 22/07/2024 at 17:25, Blakesterb16 said:

The bb is also able to fall out the end once I cock it.

If you're cocking it, pulling the trigger and then cocking it again and a bb comes out then you're loading a second bb into the chamber, pushing the first bb past the hop up where it's free to roll out the muzzle 

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On 24/07/2024 at 14:23, Galvatron said:

do you feel resistance against the release [...] valve


For the avoidance of doubt, that's the valve on the rear of the magazine near the top. And since nothing is working anyway, I'd go ahead and press that firmly in - the mag should vent all of its gas in a way that would normally make you swear like a wounded pirate.  But you'll need to check that it's working.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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