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Can the Specna Arms SA-H20 EDGE 2.0

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From the looks of it you'll need a qd sling mount to attach a sling. It should push into one of the holes circled. Alternatively you could also use an M-Lok mount on the side rail 


Qd mount:



M-Lok mount:



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Alternatively, is it not feasible to feed a buttstock sling loop adapter through that slit then attach your two-point sling to it along with a QD mount on either of the QD points on the handguard?



Edited by Galvatron
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3 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

From the looks of it you'll need a qd sling mount to attach a sling. It should push into one of the holes circled. Alternatively you could also use an M-Lok mount on the side rail 


Qd mount:



M-Lok mount:





I don't think it's actually M-Lok though. IIRC it takes rail sections that screw on with the little holes between the slots.


But yes, one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/OTraki-Swivels-Adapter-Picatinny-Mounting/dp/B07KYFZCCR/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Jj5t2L4VUAuUsyIfsTpM5dOUKCyXu_OJ99eUR9c6agoNLDHyDwcgsXw47rRqkaL_H7K5dKPbMcno3ecwjH-7R2PIFQIiWY6z_COOeReTv8jzV6bQ928NzJbqyEh-4fnw1uk4v-kMd_BqFBsyB0pF9QIbPQpE6yjj4ALolTsC-IIRgVyoL0H3x1otmUUBYd9oPMC-17GfyD-k_yXdJKLwZZsiD92pv01M4tIkK9pn4dhrc3UbIO2epb_8S5Met-B8MkFv349a9eW9zrIB0Z84fmnhvTFUL9ihxNafid-v0wQ.8J8g11DiJTkJhy9Pzdc2tUqCGxElIr6Q_mvPgyvvRz8&dib_tag=se&keywords=qd+sling+mounts&qid=1721118306&sr=8-5 and you can attach any 2-point sling you like with either plain ends or clips.

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Forget QD points if you don't plan on moving the sling over.


Two simple paracord loops will allow you to anchor it wherever you like :D

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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